Both Email Signature and Email Signature Pro has updated hotlinks to support
Gmail, Skype, WordPress, Digg, Tumblr and Email.
Email Signature is the best signature application available for the Apple iPhone / iPod Touch. A must-have for all business professionals.
The latest Email Signature Pro contains the following advanced features:
To use your email signature when replying to an email, do the the following:
1) Hit the reply button in Apple Mail
2) Exit Apple Mail by using the Menu button (the hardware button at the bottom of your iPhone)
3) Run the Email Signature app, and select your signature
4) Your selected signature will be inserted into the reply email
5) Compose and send the email as normal
Note: follow the same procedure to forward an email.
This process is required due to the limitations that Apple applies to ALL Third Party applications, Email Signature Pro included.
Email Signature Pro has been updated and available in the Appstore. Changes include the ability to specify whether the custom banner image is placed before or after your signature.
Click here for more info on how to get Email Signature Pro
Create up to 6 amazing signatures with pictures from your camera or photo library. Link to all your favorite social networking sites. Add a custom image to promote your business.
Based on customer feedback, Signature Pro has been updated to allow you to add an image after each signature. Many business people like to add a logo or a banner to the end of their signatures. We recommend images that are wide rather than high. e.g. 320 wide by 60 high.
Each of these images can be assigned a custom link or url that will take the recipient to a web page of your choice.