Store: Top Free Applications in Productivity2024-07-26T22:14:52-07:00 Store 2008 Apple Inc. ChatGPT - OpenAI Introducing ChatGPT for iOS: OpenAI’s latest advancements at your fingertips. This official app is free, syncs your history across devices, and brings you the newest model improvements from OpenAI. With ChatGPT in your pocket, you’ll find: · Voice mode—tap the Headphones icon to speak on the go, request a bedtime story for your family, or settle a dinner table debate. · Creative inspiration—birthday gift ideas or help creating a personalized greeting card. · Tailored advice—help crafting a personalized response or talking through a tough situation. · Learning opportunities—help explaining electricity to a dinosaur loving kid or the ability to easily refamiliarize yourself with a historic event. · Professional input—a brainstorm partner for marketing copy or a business plan. · Instant answers—clarification whether the napkin goes on the right or the left of the plate or a recipe when you only have a few ingredients. Join hundreds of millions of users and try the app captivating the world. Download ChatGPT today. Terms of service & privacy policy: ChatGPT 0 OpenAI Get © 2024 OpenAI OpCo L.L.C. 2023-05-24T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="OpenAI - ChatGPT artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">ChatGPT</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">OpenAI</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> May 24, 2023 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Introducing ChatGPT for iOS: OpenAI’s latest advancements at your fingertips.<br/><br/>This official app is free, syncs your history across devices, and brings you the newest model improvements from OpenAI.<br/><br/>With ChatGPT in your pocket, you’ll find:<br/><br/>· Voice mode—tap the Headphones icon to speak on the go, request a bedtime story for your family, or settle a dinner table debate.<br/>· Creative inspiration—birthday gift ideas or help creating a personalized greeting card. <br/>· Tailored advice—help crafting a personalized response or talking through a tough situation.<br/>· Learning opportunities—help explaining electricity to a dinosaur loving kid or the ability to easily refamiliarize yourself with a historic event. <br/>· Professional input—a brainstorm partner for marketing copy or a business plan.<br/>· Instant answers—clarification whether the napkin goes on the right or the left of the plate or a recipe when you only have a few ingredients.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Join hundreds of millions of users and try the app captivating the world. Download ChatGPT today.<br/><br/>Terms of service &amp; privacy policy:<br/><br/></font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2024 OpenAI OpCo L.L.C.</font> </td> </tr> </table> Post & DHL - Deutsche Post AG Mit der kostenlosen Post & DHL App sind die wichtigsten Post- und Paket-Services jederzeit und überall auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet griffbereit – vom Kauf von Brief- oder Paketmarken bis zur Sendungsverfolgung. Als registrierter Kunde profitieren Sie übrigens von weiteren Vorteilen. VERFOLGEN • Sendungsverfolgung inkl. Barcode-Scanner • Alle Sendungen auf einen Blick inkl. Zustellzeitpunkt und Detailinfos • Alle verfügbaren Lieferoptionen für eine Sendung buchen • Briefankündigung: Kostenlose Ankündigung der in Kürze zugestellten Briefe inkl. Umschlagsfoto und Push-Benachrichtigung • Sendungsstatus auch für Briefsendungen (z.B. Einschreiben oder Prio) und Warenpost anzeigen • Matrixcodes auf Briefmarken vor dem Versenden scannen und Basis-Sendungsverfolgung für Briefe nutzen • Nach Scan mehr Informationen zur Briefmarke und dem Motiv erfahren • Bis zu 10 Sendungen speichern und verwalten • Push-Mitteilung über aktuellen Status der Sendung und neuen Briefankündigungen • DHL Live-Tracking: Sendungen in Echtzeit auf einer Karte verfolgen inkl. Countdown und Zustellzeitfenster Zusätzlich für eingeloggte Nutzer: • Bis zu 100 Sendungen speichern und verwalten • Automatische Anzeige vieler Pakete mit Postnummer • Digitale Benachrichtigung bei Zustellung an einem Wunschort, beim Nachbarn oder in der Filiale • DHL Live-Tracking: Am Morgen der Zustellung per E-Mail und/oder Push-Nachricht eine Paketankündigung mit Angabe des 90-Minuten Zustellzeitfensters erhalten sowie bei vielen Sendungen eine zusätzliche Benachrichtigung ca. 15 Minuten vor Zustellung VERSENDEN • Kauf von Porto für Päckchen- und Paketversand innerhalb Deutschlands, der EU und der Welt • Buchungs-Funktion von Abhol-Aufträgen • Zugriff auf lokales und Online-Adressbuch zur Auswahl von Empfänger- und Absender-Adressen • Versandmarken in 10er Schritten nach Bedarf zu einem Sparset kombinieren und bis zu 20% der Versandkosten sparen • Bezahl-Funktion über PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift • Anzeige eines QR-Codes zum kostenlosen Druck der Mobilen Paketmarke in Filialen, an Packstationen oder beim Zusteller • Anzeige der Paketmarke als PDF zum Druck oder Weiterleitung als E-Mail • Stornierungsfunktion für gekaufte Warenkörbe • Anzeige der Warenkörbe der letzten 30 Tage • Porto für Postkarten, Standardbriefe, Kompaktbriefe und Großbriefe in der App anfordern, online bezahlen und sofort als Mobile Briefmarke oder Internetmarke nutzen • Mithilfe des Portoberaters das passende Porto ermitteln Zusätzlich für eingeloggte Nutzer: • Synchronisierung der Warenkörbe der DHL Online Frankierung der letzten 30 Tage • Speichern Ihrer Favoriten in Ihrem DHL Kundenkonto STANDORTE • Packstationen-, Poststation-, Paketboxen- & Filial- und Paketshop-Suche inkl. Angaben zu Öffnungszeiten, Angebot und Entfernung • Ergebnisse als komfortable Karten- & detaillierte Listenansicht • GPS-unterstützte Suche oder manuelle Eingabe möglich PACKSTATION • Details zu Packstation-Sendungen (inkl. Abholcode) • App-gesteuerte Packstationen ohne Bildschirm per App bedienen • Anzeige des Standortes oder der Adresse, an dem das Paket zur Abholung bereit liegt • Per Push informiert werden, sobald Ihr Paket in der Filiale oder Packstation abholbereit ist • Einmalige Freischaltung des Bereiches durch Aktivierungscode per SMS und zusätzlicher Geräteaktivierung, z.B. per Scan eines Aktivierungscodes per Brief. MEHR • Anzeige Ihrer Benutzerdaten • DHL Kundenkonto: Verwalten Sie Ihre Einstellungen zum Paket- und Briefempfang und empfangen Sie Ihre Pakete ganz flexibel, z.B. an der Packstation. Mit der Teilnahme am Bonusprogramm sammeln Sie beim Versand über die Online Frankierung und beim Paketempfang wertvolle Punkte, die Sie für Porto- und Shoppinggutscheine einlösen können. • Konfiguration der Push-Mitteilungen • Hilfe, Services & Info: FAQs, Kundenservice-Kontakt (Telefon, Facebook, Twitter oder Servicechat) und weitere Informationen Post & DHL 0 Deutsche Post AG Get © Deutsche Post AG 2009-11-20T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Deutsche Post AG - Post & DHL artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Post &amp; DHL</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Deutsche Post AG</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> November 20, 2009 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Mit der kostenlosen Post &amp; DHL App sind die wichtigsten Post- und Paket-Services jederzeit und überall auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet griffbereit – vom Kauf von Brief- oder Paketmarken bis zur Sendungsverfolgung. Als registrierter Kunde profitieren Sie übrigens von weiteren Vorteilen. <br/> <br/>VERFOLGEN <br/>• Sendungsverfolgung inkl. Barcode-Scanner <br/>• Alle Sendungen auf einen Blick inkl. Zustellzeitpunkt und Detailinfos <br/>• Alle verfügbaren Lieferoptionen für eine Sendung buchen <br/>• Briefankündigung: Kostenlose Ankündigung der in Kürze zugestellten Briefe inkl. Umschlagsfoto und Push-Benachrichtigung <br/>• Sendungsstatus auch für Briefsendungen (z.B. Einschreiben oder Prio) und Warenpost anzeigen <br/>• Matrixcodes auf Briefmarken vor dem Versenden scannen und Basis-Sendungsverfolgung für Briefe nutzen <br/>• Nach Scan mehr Informationen zur Briefmarke und dem Motiv erfahren <br/>• Bis zu 10 Sendungen speichern und verwalten <br/>• Push-Mitteilung über aktuellen Status der Sendung und neuen Briefankündigungen <br/>• DHL Live-Tracking: Sendungen in Echtzeit auf einer Karte verfolgen inkl. Countdown und Zustellzeitfenster <br/> <br/>Zusätzlich für eingeloggte Nutzer: <br/>• Bis zu 100 Sendungen speichern und verwalten <br/>• Automatische Anzeige vieler Pakete mit Postnummer <br/>• Digitale Benachrichtigung bei Zustellung an einem Wunschort, beim Nachbarn oder in der Filiale <br/>• DHL Live-Tracking: Am Morgen der Zustellung per E-Mail und/oder Push-Nachricht eine Paketankündigung mit Angabe des 90-Minuten Zustellzeitfensters erhalten sowie bei vielen Sendungen eine zusätzliche Benachrichtigung ca. 15 Minuten vor Zustellung <br/> <br/>VERSENDEN <br/>• Kauf von Porto für Päckchen- und Paketversand innerhalb Deutschlands, der EU und der Welt <br/>• Buchungs-Funktion von Abhol-Aufträgen <br/>• Zugriff auf lokales und Online-Adressbuch zur Auswahl von Empfänger- und Absender-Adressen <br/>• Versandmarken in 10er Schritten nach Bedarf zu einem Sparset kombinieren und bis zu 20% der Versandkosten sparen <br/>• Bezahl-Funktion über PayPal, Kreditkarte oder Lastschrift <br/>• Anzeige eines QR-Codes zum kostenlosen Druck der Mobilen Paketmarke in Filialen, an Packstationen oder beim Zusteller <br/>• Anzeige der Paketmarke als PDF zum Druck oder Weiterleitung als E-Mail <br/>• Stornierungsfunktion für gekaufte Warenkörbe <br/>• Anzeige der Warenkörbe der letzten 30 Tage <br/>• Porto für Postkarten, Standardbriefe, Kompaktbriefe und Großbriefe in der App anfordern, online bezahlen und sofort als Mobile Briefmarke oder Internetmarke nutzen <br/>• Mithilfe des Portoberaters das passende Porto ermitteln <br/> <br/>Zusätzlich für eingeloggte Nutzer: <br/>• Synchronisierung der Warenkörbe der DHL Online Frankierung der letzten 30 Tage <br/>• Speichern Ihrer Favoriten in Ihrem DHL Kundenkonto <br/> <br/>STANDORTE <br/>• Packstationen-, Poststation-, Paketboxen- &amp; Filial- und Paketshop-Suche inkl. Angaben zu Öffnungszeiten, Angebot und Entfernung <br/>• Ergebnisse als komfortable Karten- &amp; detaillierte Listenansicht <br/>• GPS-unterstützte Suche oder manuelle Eingabe möglich <br/> <br/>PACKSTATION <br/>• Details zu Packstation-Sendungen (inkl. Abholcode) <br/>• App-gesteuerte Packstationen ohne Bildschirm per App bedienen <br/>• Anzeige des Standortes oder der Adresse, an dem das Paket zur Abholung bereit liegt <br/>• Per Push informiert werden, sobald Ihr Paket in der Filiale oder Packstation abholbereit ist <br/>• Einmalige Freischaltung des Bereiches durch Aktivierungscode per SMS und zusätzlicher Geräteaktivierung, z.B. per Scan eines Aktivierungscodes per Brief. <br/> <br/>MEHR <br/>• Anzeige Ihrer Benutzerdaten <br/>• DHL Kundenkonto: Verwalten Sie Ihre Einstellungen zum Paket- und Briefempfang und empfangen Sie Ihre Pakete ganz flexibel, z.B. an der Packstation. Mit der Teilnahme am Bonusprogramm sammeln Sie beim Versand über die Online Frankierung und beim Paketempfang wertvolle Punkte, die Sie für Porto- und Shoppinggutscheine einlösen können. <br/>• Konfiguration der Push-Mitteilungen <br/>• Hilfe, Services &amp; Info: FAQs, Kundenservice-Kontakt (Telefon, Facebook, Twitter oder Servicechat) und weitere Informationen </font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Deutsche Post AG</font> </td> </tr> </table> Gmail - Email by Google - Google The official Gmail app brings the best of Gmail to your iPhone or iPad with robust security, real-time notifications, multiple account support, and search that works across all your mail. With the Gmail app, you can: • Make Gmail your default email app on iOS • Automatically block more than 99.9 percent of spam, phishing, malware, and dangerous links from ever reaching your inbox • Undo send, to prevent embarrassing mistakes • Turn on Google Chat to connect, create and collaborate with others • Get more done as a group in Spaces - a dedicated place for organizing people, topics, and projects • Enjoy high quality video calling with Google Meet • Respond to emails quickly with Smart Reply suggestions • Switch between multiple accounts • Get notified of new mail fast, with notification center, badge, and lock screen options • Search your mail faster with instant results, predictions as you type, and spelling suggestions • Organize your mail by labeling, starring, deleting, and reporting spam • Swipe to archive/delete, to quickly clear out your inbox • Read your mail with threaded conversations • Auto-complete contact names as you type from your Google contacts or your phone • Respond to Google Calendar invites right from the app Gmail is part of Google Workspace, allowing you and your team to easily connect, create, and collaborate. You can: • Connect with coworkers via Google Meet or Google Chat, send an invite in Calendar, add an action to your task list, and more without leaving Gmail • Use suggested actions — like Smart Reply, Smart Compose, grammar suggestions, and nudges — to help you stay on top of work and take care of simple tasks, so you can be more efficient with your time • Stay safe. Our machine learning models block more than 99.9% of spam, phishing, and malware from reaching our users Gmail - Email by Google 0 Google Get © Google LLC 2011-12-20T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Google - Gmail - Email by Google artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Gmail - Email by Google</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Google</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> December 20, 2011 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>The official Gmail app brings the best of Gmail to your iPhone or iPad with robust security, real-time notifications, multiple account support, and search that works across all your mail.<br/><br/>With the Gmail app, you can:<br/>• Make Gmail your default email app on iOS<br/>• Automatically block more than 99.9 percent of spam, phishing, malware, and dangerous links from ever reaching your inbox<br/>• Undo send, to prevent embarrassing mistakes<br/>• Turn on Google Chat to connect, create and collaborate with others<br/>• Get more done as a group in Spaces - a dedicated place for organizing people, topics, and projects<br/>• Enjoy high quality video calling with Google Meet<br/>• Respond to emails quickly with Smart Reply suggestions<br/>• Switch between multiple accounts<br/>• Get notified of new mail fast, with notification center, badge, and lock screen options<br/>• Search your mail faster with instant results, predictions as you type, and spelling suggestions<br/>• Organize your mail by labeling, starring, deleting, and reporting spam<br/>• Swipe to archive/delete, to quickly clear out your inbox<br/>• Read your mail with threaded conversations<br/>• Auto-complete contact names as you type from your Google contacts or your phone<br/>• Respond to Google Calendar invites right from the app<br/><br/>Gmail is part of Google Workspace, allowing you and your team to easily connect, create, and collaborate. You can:<br/>• Connect with coworkers via Google Meet or Google Chat, send an invite in Calendar, add an action to your task list, and more without leaving Gmail<br/>• Use suggested actions — like Smart Reply, Smart Compose, grammar suggestions, and nudges — to help you stay on top of work and take care of simple tasks, so you can be more efficient with your time<br/>• Stay safe. Our machine learning models block more than 99.9% of spam, phishing, and malware from reaching our users</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Google LLC</font> </td> </tr> </table> Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Corporation Use Microsoft Authenticator for easy, secure sign-ins for all your online accounts using multi-factor authentication, passwordless, or password autofill. You also have additional account management options for your Microsoft personal, work or school accounts. Getting started with multi-factor authentication Multi factor authentication (MFA)provides a second layer of security. When enabled, during login after entering your password, you’ll be asked for an additional way to prove it’s really you. Either approve the notification sent to the Microsoft Authenticator, or enter the one-time password (OTP) generated by the app. The OTP codes have a 30 second timer counting down. This timer is so you never have to use the same time-based one-time password (TOTP) twice and you don’t have to remember the number. The OTP doesn’t require you to be connected to a network, and it won’t drain your battery. You can add multiple accounts to your app, including non-Microsoft accounts like Facebook, Amazon, Dropbox, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub, and more. Getting started with passwordless Use your phone, not your password, to log into your Microsoft account. Just enter your username, then approve the notification sent to your phone. Your fingerprint, face ID, or PIN will provide a second layer of security in this two-step verification process. After you’ve signed in with two factor authentication (2FA), you’ll have access to all your Microsoft products and services, such as Outlook, OneDrive, Office, and more. Getting started with autofill Microsoft Authenticator app can also autofill passwords for you. Sign-in on the Passwords tab inside the Authenticator app with your personal Microsoft account to start syncing passwords, including the passwords saved in Microsoft Edge. Make Microsoft Authenticator the default autofill provider and start autofilling passwords on apps and sites you visit on your mobile. Your passwords are protected with multi-factor authentication in the app. You will need to prove yourself with your fingerprint, face ID, or PIN to access and autofill passwords on your mobile. You can also import passwords from Google Chrome and other password managers. Microsoft personal, work or school accounts Sometimes your work or school might ask you to install the Microsoft Authenticator when accessing certain organization resources. You will need to register your device to your organization through the app and add your work or school account. Microsoft Authenticator supports cert-based authentication by issuing a certificate on your device. This will let your organization know that the sign-in request is coming from a trusted device and help you seamlessly and securely access additional Microsoft apps and services without needing to log into each. Microsoft Authenticator 0 Microsoft Corporation Get © 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2015-05-30T02:25:44-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authenticator artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Microsoft Authenticator</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Microsoft Corporation</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> May 30, 2015 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Use Microsoft Authenticator for easy, secure sign-ins for all your online accounts using multi-factor authentication, passwordless, or password autofill. You also have additional account management options for your Microsoft personal, work or school accounts.<br/><br/>Getting started with multi-factor authentication<br/><br/>Multi factor authentication (MFA)provides a second layer of security. When enabled, during login after entering your password, you’ll be asked for an additional way to prove it’s really you. Either approve the notification sent to the Microsoft Authenticator, or enter the one-time password (OTP) generated by the app. The OTP codes have a 30 second timer counting down. This timer is so you never have to use the same time-based one-time password (TOTP) twice and you don’t have to remember the number. The OTP doesn’t require you to be connected to a network, and it won’t drain your battery. You can add multiple accounts to your app, including non-Microsoft accounts like Facebook, Amazon, Dropbox, Google, LinkedIn, GitHub, and more.<br/><br/>Getting started with passwordless<br/><br/>Use your phone, not your password, to log into your Microsoft account. Just enter your username, then approve the notification sent to your phone. Your fingerprint, face ID, or PIN will provide a second layer of security in this two-step verification process. After you’ve signed in with two factor authentication (2FA), you’ll have access to all your Microsoft products and services, such as Outlook, OneDrive, Office, and more.<br/><br/>Getting started with autofill<br/><br/>Microsoft Authenticator app can also autofill passwords for you. Sign-in on the Passwords tab inside the Authenticator app with your personal Microsoft account to start syncing passwords, including the passwords saved in Microsoft Edge. Make Microsoft Authenticator the default autofill provider and start autofilling passwords on apps and sites you visit on your mobile. Your passwords are protected with multi-factor authentication in the app. You will need to prove yourself with your fingerprint, face ID, or PIN to access and autofill passwords on your mobile. You can also import passwords from Google Chrome and other password managers.<br/><br/>Microsoft personal, work or school accounts<br/><br/>Sometimes your work or school might ask you to install the Microsoft Authenticator when accessing certain organization resources. You will need to register your device to your organization through the app and add your work or school account. Microsoft Authenticator supports cert-based authentication by issuing a certificate on your device. This will let your organization know that the sign-in request is coming from a trusted device and help you seamlessly and securely access additional Microsoft apps and services without needing to log into each.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</font> </td> </tr> </table> - car market - GmbH Are you looking for a BMW 3 Series, F30 or SportLine? Or perhaps a VW ID.4, with a convenience package and maximum mileage of 10,000 km, within your city? Or do you want a holiday vehicle, like a VW Bus T6 California with automatic transmission, all-wheel drive and pop-up roof? No problem. is Germany's biggest vehicle market, with over 1.4 million cars, including some 80,000 electric cars, plus almost 100,000 motorbikes, scooters and mopeds, more than 100,000 commercial vehicles and buses, and over 65,000 caravans and motorhomes. And as of 2024, also e-bikes. Financing, leasing or buying online? Want to finance or lease your new car? No problem – you'll find plenty of offers at You can search specifically for leasing offers, filter by monthly rates or use a finance calculator to find the right offer for you. And that's not all: you can also buy your new car completely online, from the comfort of your sofa, and get it delivered to your doorstep with a 14-day right of return. Price rating and dealer rating Our price rating helps you to compare the vehicle price against the market price, while the dealer rating helps you to navigate between the many dealerships. For added practicality, if you've already found one or more trustworthy dealers, you can follow them on the platform. Going to 'My searches' allows you to view any new listings from these dealers quickly and without spam. The only trouble is, there are so many to choose from!. Fortunately, thanks to smart search criteria and lots of filter options, you'll find exactly the vehicle for you quickly and easily. Selling You'll find the biggest pool of potential buyers for your used vehicle at And best of all, private listings are free of charge up to a sales price of 30,000 euros. Advertising on is worthwhile for commercial sellers, too. Direct car sales In a hurry? If you can't spare the time to negotiate with strangers or offer test drives, or if you're not entirely comfortable with the whole sales process, you can sell your car quickly and directly to a certified dealer via a buying station. Simply get a free, no-obligation estimate for the value of your used car from an expert. If you're happy with the price, you can sell your vehicle directly. The buying station will take care of deregistration process and you'll have your money in no time. The app The app helps you keep track of everything. Conveniently browse for bargains on the go, save your search(es), mark your favourites in your personal car park and receive notifications about new listings. If you're logged in, your saved vehicles and searches will be automatically synchronised across all devices. How you benefit with - Buy or sell your desired vehicle quickly and conveniently - Find your desired vehicle quickly using precise search criteria - Save time and effort by saving your searches - Sort leasing and financing offers by monthly rates - Buy your next vehicle completely online - Use Safe Pay, the secure and cashless payment method for private sales/purchases - Don't miss any offers and receive notifications for new listings - Save your favourites in your personal parking area - Follow trusted dealers and receive personalised direct offers - Share great offers easily with your friends - Spot great offers immediately with the transparent price rating - Compare financing from dealers with the best offers online - Synchronise your searches & listings across all devices - Create your listing in just a few minutes - Optimise your listing with eye-catching features - Save time by selling directly to a buying station - Get an offer from verified dealers in your area - car market 0 GmbH Get © 2010-2024 GmbH 2010-06-28T15:49:30-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt=" GmbH - - car market artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href=""> - car market</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2"> GmbH</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> June 28, 2010 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Are you looking for a BMW 3 Series, F30 or SportLine? Or perhaps a VW ID.4, with a convenience package and maximum mileage of 10,000 km, within your city? Or do you want a holiday vehicle, like a VW Bus T6 California with automatic transmission, all-wheel drive and pop-up roof? No problem.<br/><br/> is Germany&#39;s biggest vehicle market, with over 1.4 million cars, including some 80,000 electric cars, plus almost 100,000 motorbikes, scooters and mopeds, more than 100,000 commercial vehicles and buses, and over 65,000 caravans and motorhomes. And as of 2024, also e-bikes.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Financing, leasing or buying online?<br/><br/><br/>Want to finance or lease your new car? No problem – you&#39;ll find plenty of offers at You can search specifically for leasing offers, filter by monthly rates or use a finance calculator to find the right offer for you.<br/>And that&#39;s not all: you can also buy your new car completely online, from the comfort of your sofa, and get it delivered to your doorstep with a 14-day right of return.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Price rating and dealer rating<br/><br/><br/>Our price rating helps you to compare the vehicle price against the market price, while the dealer rating helps you to navigate between the many dealerships. For added practicality, if you&#39;ve already found one or more trustworthy dealers, you can follow them on the platform. Going to &#39;My searches&#39; allows you to view any new listings from these dealers quickly and without spam.<br/><br/>The only trouble is, there are so many to choose from!. Fortunately, thanks to smart search criteria and lots of filter options, you&#39;ll find exactly the vehicle for you quickly and easily.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Selling<br/><br/><br/><br/>You&#39;ll find the biggest pool of potential buyers for your used vehicle at And best of all, private listings are free of charge up to a sales price of 30,000 euros. Advertising on is worthwhile for commercial sellers, too.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Direct car sales<br/><br/><br/>In a hurry? If you can&#39;t spare the time to negotiate with strangers or offer test drives, or if you&#39;re not entirely comfortable with the whole sales process, you can sell your car quickly and directly to a certified dealer via a buying station. Simply get a free, no-obligation estimate for the value of your used car from an expert. If you&#39;re happy with the price, you can sell your vehicle directly. The buying station will take care of deregistration process and you&#39;ll have your money in no time.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>The app<br/><br/><br/><br/>The app helps you keep track of everything. Conveniently browse for bargains on the go, save your search(es), mark your favourites in your personal car park and receive notifications about new listings. If you&#39;re logged in, your saved vehicles and searches will be automatically synchronised across all devices.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>How you benefit with <br/>- Buy or sell your desired vehicle quickly and conveniently<br/>- Find your desired vehicle quickly using precise search criteria<br/>- Save time and effort by saving your searches<br/>- Sort leasing and financing offers by monthly rates<br/>- Buy your next vehicle completely online<br/>- Use Safe Pay, the secure and cashless payment method for private sales/purchases<br/>- Don&#39;t miss any offers and receive notifications for new listings<br/>- Save your favourites in your personal parking area<br/>- Follow trusted dealers and receive personalised direct offers<br/>- Share great offers easily with your friends<br/>- Spot great offers immediately with the transparent price rating<br/>- Compare financing from dealers with the best offers online<br/>- Synchronise your searches &amp; listings across all devices<br/>- Create your listing in just a few minutes<br/>- Optimise your listing with eye-catching features<br/>- Save time by selling directly to a buying station<br/>- Get an offer from verified dealers in your area </font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2010-2024 GmbH</font> </td> </tr> </table> Google Drive - Google Google Drive, part of Google Workspace, lets you securely store, intelligently organize and collaborate on files and folders from anywhere, on any device. With Drive, you can: • Safely store and access your files anywhere • Edit and store 100+ file types, including PDFs, Office files, videos and more • Quickly access recent and important files • Scan and upload paper documents using your device’s camera • Search for files by name and content • Filter files by type, last modified date and more • Share and set permissions for files and folders • View your content on the go while offline • Receive notifications about important activity on your files Google Workspace subscribers have access to additional Drive functionality, including: • Security and management controls for admins to help meet data compliance needs • Sharing files and folders directly with groups or teams within your organization • Creating a shared drive to store all of your team’s content Learn more about Google Apps update policy: Google accounts get 15GB of storage, shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. For additional storage, you can upgrade to Google Workspace or Google One as an in-app purchase. Storage subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your iTunes Account, and automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Subscriptions and auto-renewal may be managed by going to iTunes Account Settings after purchase. Google Privacy Policy: Google Drive Terms of Service: Follow us for more: X: and LinkedIn: Facebook: Google Drive 0 Google Get © Google Inc. 2012-06-28T10:40:50-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Google - Google Drive artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Google Drive</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Google</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> June 28, 2012 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Google Drive, part of Google Workspace, lets you securely store, intelligently organize and collaborate on files and folders from anywhere, on any device.<br/><br/>With Drive, you can:<br/>• Safely store and access your files anywhere<br/>• Edit and store 100+ file types, including PDFs, Office files, videos and more<br/>• Quickly access recent and important files<br/>• Scan and upload paper documents using your device’s camera<br/>• Search for files by name and content<br/>• Filter files by type, last modified date and more<br/>• Share and set permissions for files and folders<br/>• View your content on the go while offline<br/>• Receive notifications about important activity on your files<br/><br/>Google Workspace subscribers have access to additional Drive functionality, including:<br/>• Security and management controls for admins to help meet data compliance needs<br/>• Sharing files and folders directly with groups or teams within your organization<br/>• Creating a shared drive to store all of your team’s content<br/><br/>Learn more about Google Apps update policy:<br/><br/>Google accounts get 15GB of storage, shared across Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos. For additional storage, you can upgrade to Google Workspace or Google One as an in-app purchase.<br/><br/>Storage subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your iTunes Account, and automatically renew unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. Subscriptions and auto-renewal may be managed by going to iTunes Account Settings after purchase.<br/><br/>Google Privacy Policy:<br/>Google Drive Terms of Service:<br/><br/>Follow us for more:<br/>X: and<br/>LinkedIn:<br/>Facebook:</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Google Inc.</font> </td> </tr> </table> Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Corporation Outlook lets you bring all your email accounts and calendars in one convenient spot. Whether it's staying on top of your inbox or scheduling the next big thing, we make it easy to be your most productive, organized, and connected self. Here's what you'll love about Outlook for iOS: - Focus on the right things with our smart inbox - we help you sort between messages you need to act on straight away and everything else. - Swipe to quickly schedule, delete and archive messages. - Share your meeting availability with just a tap and easily find times to meet with others. - Find everything you're looking for with our new search experience, including files, contacts, and your upcoming trips. - View and attach any file from your email, OneDrive, Dropbox, and more, without having to download them to your phone. - Open Word, Excel, or other Office document attachments to edit them directly in the corresponding app and attach them back to an email. -- Outlook for iOS works with Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, (including Hotmail and MSN), Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and iCloud. -- To make an in-app purchase of a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription, open the app, go to Settings, and tap on Upgrade next to your or account. Subscriptions begin at $6.99 a month in the US, and can vary by region. With a Microsoft 365 subscription, you get 1TB of storage for each user, access to all features in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, and you can install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote on PCs or Macs. Microsoft 365 subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your iTunes account and will automatically renew within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period, unless auto-renewal is disabled beforehand. To manage your subscriptions or to disable auto-renewal, after purchase, go to your iTunes account settings. A subscription cannot be cancelled during the active subscription period. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable. Privacy and Cookies: Terms of Use: Contract Summary: Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy: Microsoft Outlook 0 Microsoft Corporation Get © 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. 2015-01-28T21:22:59-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Outlook artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Microsoft Outlook</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Microsoft Corporation</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> January 28, 2015 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Outlook lets you bring all your email accounts and calendars in one convenient spot. Whether it&#39;s staying on top of your inbox or scheduling the next big thing, we make it easy to be your most productive, organized, and connected self.<br/><br/>Here&#39;s what you&#39;ll love about Outlook for iOS:<br/><br/>- Focus on the right things with our smart inbox - we help you sort between messages you need to act on straight away and everything else.<br/><br/>- Swipe to quickly schedule, delete and archive messages.<br/><br/>- Share your meeting availability with just a tap and easily find times to meet with others.<br/><br/>- Find everything you&#39;re looking for with our new search experience, including files, contacts, and your upcoming trips.<br/><br/>- View and attach any file from your email, OneDrive, Dropbox, and more, without having to download them to your phone.<br/><br/>- Open Word, Excel, or other Office document attachments to edit them directly in the corresponding app and attach them back to an email.<br/><br/>--<br/><br/>Outlook for iOS works with Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, (including Hotmail and MSN), Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and iCloud.<br/><br/>--<br/><br/>To make an in-app purchase of a Microsoft 365 Family or Personal subscription, open the app, go to Settings, and tap on Upgrade next to your or account. Subscriptions begin at $6.99 a month in the US, and can vary by region. With a Microsoft 365 subscription, you get 1TB of storage for each user, access to all features in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, and you can install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote on PCs or Macs.<br/><br/>Microsoft 365 subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your iTunes account and will automatically renew within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period, unless auto-renewal is disabled beforehand. To manage your subscriptions or to disable auto-renewal, after purchase, go to your iTunes account settings. A subscription cannot be cancelled during the active subscription period. Any unused portion of a free trial period, if offered will be forfeited when the user purchases a subscription to that publication, where applicable.<br/><br/>Privacy and Cookies:<br/>Terms of Use:<br/>Contract Summary:<br/>Consumer Health Data Privacy Policy:</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2024 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.</font> </td> </tr> </table> AutoScout24: Buy & sell cars - AutoScout24 GmbH Don't miss a great deal: With one of the best car apps. Whether you're looking for used cars, new cars, motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes. Create car classifieds, receive price reductions, new car offers or changes of your favorite cars - you'll get all the important information from our car app via push to your mobile phone. On top of that, the AutoScout24 features such as notepad & search filters will help you to find your new car easily. The AutoScout24 app is the must-have app for car fans searching for their next car. Everything quick. Everything for your convenience. With the AutoScout24 app, buying a car is easy, whether you’re searching for used cars, new cars motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes of all brands! You can even sell your car with your mobile phone. Checking the value of your car is free of charge, so you will start with the perfect sales value. Interested in buying a car? That's possible too! As soon as you find your favorite new or used car, discuss it with your friends via WhatsApp. AutoScout360° brings you an additional fun feature - that's the virtual, mobile test drive. You can visit cars online and zoom in for a detailed preview. AutoScout24 App Highlights: √ Over 2 million used & new cars √ Find cars, motorbikes, vans or caravans with our search features √ Visit cars online – with AutoScout360° √ Save your favorite cars to share with your friends √ Get notified of price changes immediately √ Sell your used car with our AutoScout24 App AutoScout24 is the biggest marketplace for cars in Europe With our AutoScout24 app you have access to a car marketplace with over 2 million available car offers. Whether new cars, used cars, motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes. From Audi, BMW & Ford to Mercedes & Tesla to VW, with the AutoScout24 app you'll find the right vehicle for you! AutoScout360° - save our time & visit cars online Take a virtual seat in the car of your choice with AutoScout360°. You save valuable time and it will be easier for you to select the right car you want to see live! Always up to date with the AutoScout24 App Price drops, latest car offers & changes to bookmarked cars - via push directly from our car app to your mobile phone. Features such as notepad & search favorites will help you to find your car easily. Save your favorite cars & share it! Save your favorite cars on your notepad, receive related price information, compare your bookmarked car offers or share them with friends.. Contact car dealers directly and get fair dealer reviews Every car dealer rating on our car marketplace is authentic & verified. Check out the reviews on your mobile or get in contact with car dealers directly from our mobile app. AutoScout24: Sell your car easily & professionally with your mobile phone You want to sell your car via app? With AutoScout24, it's easy to create your car classified ad. Whether VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Ford or Tesla, just upload pictures, get your value check free of charge and reach millions of interested people! We hope you enjoy using our car & used car app. If you have any questions, praise or criticism, feel free to send us an email at AutoScout24: Buy & sell cars 0 AutoScout24 GmbH Get © AutoScout24 GmbH 2009-05-27T19:39:47-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="AutoScout24 GmbH - AutoScout24: Buy & sell cars artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">AutoScout24: Buy &amp; sell cars</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">AutoScout24 GmbH</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> May 27, 2009 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Don&#39;t miss a great deal:<br/>With one of the best car apps. Whether you&#39;re looking for used cars, new cars, motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes. Create car classifieds, receive price reductions, new car offers or changes of your favorite cars - you&#39;ll get all the important information from our car app via push to your mobile phone. On top of that, the AutoScout24 features such as notepad &amp; search filters will help you to find your new car easily. The AutoScout24 app is the must-have app for car fans searching for their next car.<br/><br/>Everything quick. Everything for your convenience.<br/>With the AutoScout24 app, buying a car is easy, whether you’re searching for used cars, new cars motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes of all brands! You can even sell your car with your mobile phone. Checking the value of your car is free of charge, so you will start with the perfect sales value. Interested in buying a car? That&#39;s possible too! As soon as you find your favorite new or used car, discuss it with your friends via WhatsApp. AutoScout360° brings you an additional fun feature - that&#39;s the virtual, mobile test drive. You can visit cars online and zoom in for a detailed preview.<br/><br/>AutoScout24 App Highlights:<br/>√ Over 2 million used &amp; new cars<br/>√ Find cars, motorbikes, vans or caravans with our search features<br/>√ Visit cars online – with AutoScout360°<br/>√ Save your favorite cars to share with your friends<br/>√ Get notified of price changes immediately<br/>√ Sell your used car with our AutoScout24 App<br/><br/>AutoScout24 is the biggest marketplace for cars in Europe<br/>With our AutoScout24 app you have access to a car marketplace with over 2 million available car offers. Whether new cars, used cars, motorbikes, vans, caravans or motorhomes. From Audi, BMW &amp; Ford to Mercedes &amp; Tesla to VW, with the AutoScout24 app you&#39;ll find the right vehicle for you!<br/> <br/>AutoScout360° - save our time &amp; visit cars online<br/>Take a virtual seat in the car of your choice with AutoScout360°. You save valuable time and it will be easier for you to select the right car you want to see live!<br/> <br/>Always up to date with the AutoScout24 App<br/>Price drops, latest car offers &amp; changes to bookmarked cars - via push directly from our car app to your mobile phone. Features such as notepad &amp; search favorites will help you to find your car easily.<br/><br/>Save your favorite cars &amp; share it!<br/>Save your favorite cars on your notepad, receive related price information, compare your bookmarked car offers or share them with friends..<br/> <br/>Contact car dealers directly and get fair dealer reviews<br/>Every car dealer rating on our car marketplace is authentic &amp; verified. Check out the reviews on your mobile or get in contact with car dealers directly from our mobile app.<br/> <br/>AutoScout24: Sell your car easily &amp; professionally with your mobile phone<br/>You want to sell your car via app? With AutoScout24, it&#39;s easy to create your car classified ad. Whether VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Ford or Tesla, just upload pictures, get your value check free of charge and reach millions of interested people!<br/> <br/>We hope you enjoy using our car &amp; used car app. If you have any questions, praise or criticism, feel free to send us an email at</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © AutoScout24 GmbH</font> </td> </tr> </table> Nect Wallet - Nect Identify yourself quickly and securely or sign confidential documents - at any time and from anywhere. Without a personal appointment, extensive correspondence or video chat with a service agent. In the Nect Wallet, you can store your digital identity securely and have it at your disposal at all times. Whether it's your ID card, passport, residence permit or other ID documents. Use our user-friendly, fully automated and certified solution to identify yourself at our partner companies in a legally compliant manner. The Nect Wallet meets the highest security standards and is available without waiting time. Our solutions at a glance Nect Ident: Identify yourself with selfie video, eID, ePassport or documents such as the electronic health card. We offer the fastest way for you. Nect Sign: Qualified electronic signing of documents that are subject to the written form. Fast and legally compliant. What else can you expect from us? Once successfully identified, your ID document will be stored digitally, securely and only accessible to you in the Nect Wallet. For your next identification, you can simply reuse the ID document within seconds via facial recognition. Our network of partner companies is constantly growing. So keep the Nect Wallet on your mobile phone and use your digital identity for other services in the future - it's worth it! Nect Wallet 0 Nect Get © 2023 Nect GmbH 2018-10-08T06:23:02-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Nect - Nect Wallet artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Nect Wallet</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Nect</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 8, 2018 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Identify yourself quickly and securely or sign confidential documents - at any time and from anywhere. Without a personal appointment, extensive correspondence or video chat with a service agent. In the Nect Wallet, you can store your digital identity securely and have it at your disposal at all times. Whether it&#39;s your ID card, passport, residence permit or other ID documents. Use our user-friendly, fully automated and certified solution to identify yourself at our partner companies in a legally compliant manner. The Nect Wallet meets the highest security standards and is available without waiting time.<br/><br/>Our solutions at a glance<br/><br/>Nect Ident: Identify yourself with selfie video, eID, ePassport or documents such as the electronic health card. We offer the fastest way for you.<br/><br/>Nect Sign: Qualified electronic signing of documents that are subject to the written form. Fast and legally compliant.<br/><br/>What else can you expect from us?<br/><br/>Once successfully identified, your ID document will be stored digitally, securely and only accessible to you in the Nect Wallet. For your next identification, you can simply reuse the ID document within seconds via facial recognition. Our network of partner companies is constantly growing. So keep the Nect Wallet on your mobile phone and use your digital identity for other services in the future - it&#39;s worth it!</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2023 Nect GmbH</font> </td> </tr> </table> Microsoft 365 (Office) - Microsoft Corporation Microsoft 365 is the everyday productivity app that helps you quickly find and edit files, scan documents, and create content on the go. With Microsoft Copilot*, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDFs all in one app, Microsoft 365 is the destination for finding, creating, editing, and sharing documents when you need them most. Get your everyday AI companion, Copilot, included in the Microsoft 365 app to boost your productivity through search, chat, and image generation, powered by the latest OpenAI models and DALL·E 3. With cloud services like OneDrive, the Microsoft 365 app securely stores your files and helps maximize your productivity in both work and life tasks. *Copilot access is only available on mobile devices but not on iPad currently. It is available in these specific markets: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Copilot all in one app: • Ask Copilot questions as your AI-powered Chat Assistant to improve productivity. • Use Word to write and edit documents like resumes with professional templates. • Use PowerPoint with tools like Presenter Coach to practice your presentation. • Use Excel to manage your budget with spreadsheet templates. • Share, edit and collaborate with others in real time. PDF scanning, editing, and signing capabilities: • Scan PDF files and convert them into Word documents with the PDF converter tool. • Edit PDF files on your device quickly and easily while on the go. • PDF Reader allows you to access and sign PDFs. Anyone can download the Microsoft 365 app for free. Access and save documents to the cloud by connecting a Microsoft Account (for OneDrive or SharePoint) or by connecting to a third-party cloud storage provider. Logging in with a personal Microsoft account or a work or school account connected to a Microsoft 365 subscription will unlock premium features within the app. Subscription & Privacy Disclaimer: Monthly Microsoft 365 subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your App Store account and will automatically renew within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period unless auto-renewal is disabled beforehand. You can manage your subscriptions in your App Store account settings. Try Copilot Pro*, the ultimate AI companion: • Unlock Copilot in productivity apps* like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. • Faster AI image creation with 100 boosts per day with Designer. (formerly Bing Image Creator) Get a free 1-month trial of Copilot Pro by signing up in the Microsoft 365 app. $20/month after trial. New subscribers only. *Copilot Pro subscribers can use Copilot in the web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese Simplified. Those who have a separate Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription get the added benefit of using Copilot in the more fully featured desktop apps. Excel features are in English only and currently in preview. Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with,, or email addresses and are available in, Outlook built into Windows, and Outlook on Mac. This app is provided by either Microsoft or a third-party app publisher and is subject to a separate privacy statement and terms and conditions. Data provided using this store and this app may be accessible to Microsoft or the third-party app publisher, as applicable, and transferred to, stored and processed in the United States or any other country where Microsoft or the app publisher and their affiliates or service providers maintain facilities. Please refer to Microsoft's EULA for Terms of Service for Microsoft 365. By installing the app, you agree to these terms and conditions: Microsoft 365 (Office) 0 Microsoft Corporation Get © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. 2013-06-18T08:45:39-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft 365 (Office) artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Microsoft 365 (Office)</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Microsoft Corporation</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Productivity</a> <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> June 18, 2013 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Microsoft 365 is the everyday productivity app that helps you quickly find and edit files, scan documents, and create content on the go. With Microsoft Copilot*, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDFs all in one app, Microsoft 365 is the destination for finding, creating, editing, and sharing documents when you need them most. <br/><br/>Get your everyday AI companion, Copilot, included in the Microsoft 365 app to boost your productivity through search, chat, and image generation, powered by the latest OpenAI models and DALL·E 3. <br/><br/>With cloud services like OneDrive, the Microsoft 365 app securely stores your files and helps maximize your productivity in both work and life tasks. <br/><br/>*Copilot access is only available on mobile devices but not on iPad currently. It is available in these specific markets: <br/> <br/>Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Copilot all in one app: <br/><br/>• Ask Copilot questions as your AI-powered Chat Assistant to improve productivity. <br/>• Use Word to write and edit documents like resumes with professional templates. <br/>• Use PowerPoint with tools like Presenter Coach to practice your presentation. <br/>• Use Excel to manage your budget with spreadsheet templates. <br/>• Share, edit and collaborate with others in real time. <br/><br/>PDF scanning, editing, and signing capabilities: <br/><br/>• Scan PDF files and convert them into Word documents with the PDF converter tool. <br/>• Edit PDF files on your device quickly and easily while on the go. <br/>• PDF Reader allows you to access and sign PDFs. <br/><br/>Anyone can download the Microsoft 365 app for free. Access and save documents to the cloud by connecting a Microsoft Account (for OneDrive or SharePoint) or by connecting to a third-party cloud storage provider. Logging in with a personal Microsoft account or a work or school account connected to a Microsoft 365 subscription will unlock premium features within the app. <br/><br/>Subscription &amp; Privacy Disclaimer:<br/><br/>Monthly Microsoft 365 subscriptions purchased from the app will be charged to your App Store account and will automatically renew within 24 hours prior to the end of the current subscription period unless auto-renewal is disabled beforehand. You can manage your subscriptions in your App Store account settings. <br/><br/>Try Copilot Pro*, the ultimate AI companion: <br/><br/>• Unlock Copilot in productivity apps* like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. <br/>• Faster AI image creation with 100 boosts per day with Designer. (formerly Bing Image Creator) <br/><br/>Get a free 1-month trial of Copilot Pro by signing up in the Microsoft 365 app. $20/month after trial. New subscribers only. <br/><br/>*Copilot Pro subscribers can use Copilot in the web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese Simplified. Those who have a separate Microsoft 365 Personal or Family subscription get the added benefit of using Copilot in the more fully featured desktop apps. Excel features are in English only and currently in preview. Copilot features in Outlook apply to accounts with,, or email addresses and are available in, Outlook built into Windows, and Outlook on Mac. <br/><br/>This app is provided by either Microsoft or a third-party app publisher and is subject to a separate privacy statement and terms and conditions. Data provided using this store and this app may be accessible to Microsoft or the third-party app publisher, as applicable, and transferred to, stored and processed in the United States or any other country where Microsoft or the app publisher and their affiliates or service providers maintain facilities. <br/><br/>Please refer to Microsoft&#39;s EULA for Terms of Service for Microsoft 365. By installing the app, you agree to these terms and conditions: </font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2023 Microsoft Corporation.</font> </td> </tr> </table>