Store: Top Paid Applications in Book2024-04-25T00:39:54-07:00 Store 2008 Apple Inc. Public Bookshelf - Stefan Trauth Find a public bookshelf close to you! Take a book from the shelf you would like to read or place books in the shelf for others to read. Public bookshelves are some kind of free libraries where you be able to exchange or lend books for free. There is additional information for each bookshelf like opening times, contact information and a related website. You can help to create a great bookshelf database for everyone: * Edit existing bookshelf data in case something is missing or wrong * Add a bookshelf to the map in case it is missing * Remove a bookshelf if it does not exist any more The database is maintained by Public Bookshelf 0 Stefan Trauth 0,99 € © Stefan Trauth 2017-06-06T00:32:20-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Stefan Trauth - Public Bookshelf artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Public Bookshelf</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Stefan Trauth</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 0,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> June 6, 2017 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Find a public bookshelf close to you! Take a book from the shelf you would like to read or place books in the shelf for others to read. Public bookshelves are some kind of free libraries where you be able to exchange or lend books for free.<br/><br/>There is additional information for each bookshelf like opening times, contact information and a related website.<br/><br/>You can help to create a great bookshelf database for everyone:<br/>* Edit existing bookshelf data in case something is missing or wrong<br/>* Add a bookshelf to the map in case it is missing<br/>* Remove a bookshelf if it does not exist any more<br/><br/>The database is maintained by</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Stefan Trauth</font> </td> </tr> </table> Babyjahre - Piper Verlag GmbH Die Babyjahre App begleitet dich durch die Entwicklung in den ersten vier Jahren deines neugeborenen Babys. Auf das Kindesalter zugeschnittene Artikel zu Beziehung, Schlaf, Stillen, Wachstum und vielen weiteren Kategorien helfen dir, die Entwicklung deines Babys zu verstehen. Mit den wertvollen Erziehungstipps kannst du Kompetenz aufbauen und Sicherheit gewinnen. NACH DEM BESTSELLER „BABYJAHRE“ VON REMO H. LARGO Hunderttausende Eltern vertrauen dem renommierten Entwicklungsexperten und Kinderarzt Largo und seinem Konzept von der Einmaligkeit jedes Kindes und seiner individuellen Entwicklung. Die App basiert auf dem über 1 Mio. mal verkauften Weltbestseller „Babyjahre“ und ist auf das Alter deines Babys angepasst, wissenschaftlich fundiert und gleichzeitig einfach und verständlich aufbereitet. FUNKTIONEN - Vorlesen: Du kannst dir alle Artikel in der App auch im Audioformat anhören - Lesezeit: Bei jedem Artikel wird angegeben, wie viel Zeit du zum Lesen benötigst - Suchen: Du kannst die App nach bestimmten Themen oder Begriffen durchsuchen - Merkliste: Du kannst bestimmte Artikel oder einzelne Absätze mit einem Lesezeichen versehen - Tracker: Mit dem Größen- und Gewichtstracker kannst du das Wachstum deines Kindes im Blick behalten - Meilensteine: Dokumentiere wichtige Sprünge deines Babys wie Lächeln, Greifen, Sitzen, Krabbeln oder Laufen - Push-Benachrichtigungen: Falls du möchtest, schlagen wir dir relevante Artikel passend zur Entwicklung deines Kindes vor - Backup-Funktion: Du hast die Möglichkeit, die eingegebenen Meilensteine und Daten durch ein Backup zu sichern PERSÖNLICH & INDIVIDUELL Du erhältst relevante Artikelvorschläge basierend auf dem Geburtsdatum deines Kindes. Mit dem Tracker kannst du Größe und Gewicht dokumentieren und hast die Daten immer bei dir – egal ob zuhause oder unterwegs. Wenn du mehrere Kinder hast, kannst du verschiedene Profile anlegen und bekommst für alle Kinder die individuell passenden Informationen. KATEGORIEN - Beziehungsverhalten - Motorik - Schlafen - Schreien - Spielen - Sprachentwicklung - Trinken & Essen SUPPORT Bei Fragen oder Anregungen zu unserer App schreibe uns gerne an Babyjahre 0 Piper Verlag GmbH 5,99 € © copyright Piper Verlag GmbH 2022 2022-10-14T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Piper Verlag GmbH - Babyjahre artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Babyjahre</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Piper Verlag GmbH</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 5,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 14, 2022 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Die Babyjahre App begleitet dich durch die Entwicklung in den ersten vier Jahren deines neugeborenen Babys. Auf das Kindesalter zugeschnittene Artikel zu Beziehung, Schlaf, Stillen, Wachstum und vielen weiteren Kategorien helfen dir, die Entwicklung deines Babys zu verstehen. Mit den wertvollen Erziehungstipps kannst du Kompetenz aufbauen und Sicherheit gewinnen.<br/><br/>NACH DEM BESTSELLER „BABYJAHRE“ VON REMO H. LARGO<br/>Hunderttausende Eltern vertrauen dem renommierten Entwicklungsexperten und Kinderarzt Largo und seinem Konzept von der Einmaligkeit jedes Kindes und seiner individuellen Entwicklung. Die App basiert auf dem über 1 Mio. mal verkauften Weltbestseller „Babyjahre“ und ist auf das Alter deines Babys angepasst, wissenschaftlich fundiert und gleichzeitig einfach und verständlich aufbereitet.<br/><br/>FUNKTIONEN<br/>- Vorlesen: Du kannst dir alle Artikel in der App auch im Audioformat anhören<br/>- Lesezeit: Bei jedem Artikel wird angegeben, wie viel Zeit du zum Lesen benötigst<br/>- Suchen: Du kannst die App nach bestimmten Themen oder Begriffen durchsuchen<br/>- Merkliste: Du kannst bestimmte Artikel oder einzelne Absätze mit einem Lesezeichen versehen<br/>- Tracker: Mit dem Größen- und Gewichtstracker kannst du das Wachstum deines Kindes im Blick behalten<br/>- Meilensteine: Dokumentiere wichtige Sprünge deines Babys wie Lächeln, Greifen, Sitzen, Krabbeln oder Laufen<br/>- Push-Benachrichtigungen: Falls du möchtest, schlagen wir dir relevante Artikel passend zur Entwicklung deines Kindes vor<br/>- Backup-Funktion: Du hast die Möglichkeit, die eingegebenen Meilensteine und Daten durch ein Backup zu sichern<br/><br/>PERSÖNLICH &amp; INDIVIDUELL<br/>Du erhältst relevante Artikelvorschläge basierend auf dem Geburtsdatum deines Kindes. Mit dem Tracker kannst du Größe und Gewicht dokumentieren und hast die Daten immer bei dir – egal ob zuhause oder unterwegs. Wenn du mehrere Kinder hast, kannst du verschiedene Profile anlegen und bekommst für alle Kinder die individuell passenden Informationen.<br/><br/>KATEGORIEN<br/>- Beziehungsverhalten<br/>- Motorik<br/>- Schlafen<br/>- Schreien<br/>- Spielen<br/>- Sprachentwicklung<br/>- Trinken &amp; Essen<br/><br/>SUPPORT<br/>Bei Fragen oder Anregungen zu unserer App schreibe uns gerne an</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © copyright Piper Verlag GmbH 2022</font> </td> </tr> </table> وفاء غيبة - Wafa Gheibeh تطبيق وفاء غيبة... أصبح الكتاب الذي حاز على إعجاب مئات الأمهات بين يديك الآن "من الصفر إلى الفخر كيف تربين طفلاً مميزاً" مليئ بعشرات التقنيات التي تجعل حياتك أسهل مع طفلك.. كتبتها لك خبيرة تربوية تعلم تماماً معاناة الأمهات واحتياجاتهم مع أطفالهم وتبتعد كل البعد عن النظريات والمثالية في التربية .. حملي التطبيق الآن لنحيا معاً حياة أمتع مع أطفالنا وفاء غيبة 0 Wafa Gheibeh 3,99 € © Wafa Gheibeh 2018-07-23T18:21:15-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Wafa Gheibeh - وفاء غيبة artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">وفاء غيبة</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Wafa Gheibeh</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 3,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> July 23, 2018 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>تطبيق وفاء غيبة... <br/>أصبح الكتاب الذي حاز على إعجاب مئات الأمهات بين يديك الآن<br/>&#34;من الصفر إلى الفخر كيف تربين طفلاً مميزاً&#34; <br/>مليئ بعشرات التقنيات التي تجعل حياتك أسهل مع طفلك.. كتبتها لك خبيرة تربوية تعلم تماماً معاناة الأمهات واحتياجاتهم مع أطفالهم وتبتعد كل البعد عن النظريات والمثالية في التربية ..<br/>حملي التطبيق الآن لنحيا معاً حياة أمتع مع أطفالنا</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Wafa Gheibeh</font> </td> </tr> </table> Nighty Night Forest - Fox and Sheep GmbH "Nighty Night Forest" is the sequel to our popular bedtime apps "Nighty Night" and "Nighty Night Circus". More than 8 million parents around the world bring their children to bed with our good-night-apps. The third "Nighty Night" app is all about the forest and its adorable inhabitants. "Nighty Night Forest" is the perfect App for a daily go-to-sleep ritual with cute animals, sweet lullaby music and great narration. Children find themselves in a dreamy forest setting with 7 different animals, which they can bring to bed by switching off the lights. Each animal performs several funny and surprising moves and wants to show them off to the child before going to sleep. “Nighty Night Forest” is brought to you by the award winning artist Jeremy Kool, who puts a lot of passion and effort in creating stunning sceneries by combining 3d modelling and lighting with 2d illustrations and textures. Highlights: • Stunning designs and animations by Jeremy Kool • 7 interactive animals (Dear, skunk, woodpecker, chipmunk, mole, fox and bear) • Autoplay-mode • hidden surprises along the way • custom sound design and music • Perfect session length for a daily go-to-sleep ritual • 13 languages with narration: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean • For kids aged 2 – 5 About Fox & Sheep: We are a Studio in Berlin and develop high quality apps for kids at the age of 2-8 years. We are parents ourselves and work passionately and with a lot of commitment on our products. We work with the best illustrators and animators around the world to create and present the best apps possible – to enrich the lives of our and your kids. Nighty Night Forest 0 Fox and Sheep GmbH 4,99 € © Fox & Sheep 2017-11-21T08:45:07-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Fox and Sheep GmbH - Nighty Night Forest artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Nighty Night Forest</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Fox and Sheep GmbH</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 4,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> November 21, 2017 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>&#34;Nighty Night Forest&#34; is the sequel to our popular bedtime apps &#34;Nighty Night&#34; and &#34;Nighty Night Circus&#34;. More than 8 million parents around the world bring their children to bed with our good-night-apps. The third &#34;Nighty Night&#34; app is all about the forest and its adorable inhabitants.<br/>&#34;Nighty Night Forest&#34; is the perfect App for a daily go-to-sleep ritual with cute animals, sweet lullaby music and great narration. Children find themselves in a dreamy forest setting with 7 different animals, which they can bring to bed by switching off the lights.<br/> <br/>Each animal performs several funny and surprising moves and wants to show them off to the child before going to sleep.<br/>“Nighty Night Forest” is brought to you by the award winning artist Jeremy Kool, who puts a lot of passion and effort in creating stunning sceneries by combining 3d modelling and lighting with 2d illustrations and textures.<br/> <br/> Highlights:<br/> • Stunning designs and animations by Jeremy Kool <br/> • 7 interactive animals (Dear, skunk, woodpecker, chipmunk, mole, fox and bear)<br/> • Autoplay-mode<br/> • hidden surprises along the way<br/> • custom sound design and music<br/> • Perfect session length for a daily go-to-sleep ritual<br/> • 13 languages with narration: English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese and Korean<br/>• For kids aged 2 – 5<br/><br/>About Fox &amp; Sheep:<br/>We are a Studio in Berlin and develop high quality apps for kids at the age of 2-8 years. We are parents ourselves and work passionately and with a lot of commitment on our products. We work with the best illustrators and animators around the world to create and present the best apps possible – to enrich the lives of our and your kids.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Fox &amp; Sheep</font> </td> </tr> </table> القاعدة النورانية - Furqan Group for Education& IT يسرُّ مجموعة الفرقان للتعليم وتقنية المعلومات أن يُقدِّمَ هذا التطبيقَ على الهواتفِ الذكية لعملائه الكرام، والذي يَشْمَلُ دروسَ القاعدةِ النورانيةِ صوتاً وصورةً، وتمَّ برمجتُهُ بحيثُ يكونُ سَهْلَ الاستخدامِ وأكثرُ جاذبيةً للطلابِ والطالباتِ؛ ويساعد في اكتساب المَهَارَاتِ الأسَاسِيِّةِ لتَعَلُّمِ اللُغَةِ العَرَبِيِّةِ، والقرآنِ الكريمِ وهي: (مَهَارَةُ السَّمْعِ، وَالنُّطْقِ، وَالقِرَاءَةِ)، سائلين الله أن ينفع أبنائنا وبناتنا في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها... ​المدير العام ​المهندس/ محمد فاروق الراعي The Furqan group for Education and IT is pleased to present their new smart phone application for Qaaidah Nooraniyah, which has both audio and visual features that are user friendly and engaging for students. This application redefines the best in Arabic learning and will assist them in acquiring the skills of listening, pronunciation and reading required to learn the Arabic language and The Noble Quran. We ask Allah to benefit our learners all over the world. With best wishes. General Manager Eng. Mohammad Farooq Alraee Le groupe Furqan pour l’enseignement presente à saclientèle une nouvelle application pour Smartphones, comprenant toutes les leçons « An-Nourania » sous forme audiovisuelle, et programmée de maniere simple et attractive, et offrant les compétencesnecessaires pour maitriser la prononciation de lalangue arabe et du Noble Coran. Nous demandons à Allah d’en faire profiter nos enfants à travers le monde. Le directeur général Ing. Mohammad F. Alraee القاعدة النورانية 0 Furqan Group for Education& IT 6,99 € © Furqan Group For Education & IT 2014-04-29T02:39:15-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Furqan Group for Education& IT - القاعدة النورانية artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">القاعدة النورانية</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Furqan Group for Education&amp; IT</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 6,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> April 29, 2014 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>يسرُّ مجموعة الفرقان للتعليم وتقنية المعلومات أن يُقدِّمَ هذا التطبيقَ على الهواتفِ الذكية لعملائه الكرام، والذي يَشْمَلُ دروسَ القاعدةِ النورانيةِ صوتاً وصورةً، وتمَّ برمجتُهُ بحيثُ يكونُ سَهْلَ الاستخدامِ وأكثرُ جاذبيةً للطلابِ والطالباتِ؛ ويساعد في اكتساب المَهَارَاتِ الأسَاسِيِّةِ لتَعَلُّمِ اللُغَةِ العَرَبِيِّةِ، والقرآنِ الكريمِ وهي: (مَهَارَةُ السَّمْعِ، وَالنُّطْقِ، وَالقِرَاءَةِ)، سائلين الله أن ينفع أبنائنا وبناتنا في مشارق الأرض ومغاربها...<br/> ​المدير العام<br/>​المهندس/ محمد فاروق الراعي<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>The Furqan group for Education and IT is pleased to present their new smart phone application for Qaaidah Nooraniyah, which has both audio and visual features that are user friendly and engaging for students. This application redefines the best in Arabic learning and will assist them in acquiring the skills of listening, pronunciation and reading required to learn the Arabic language and The Noble Quran. We ask Allah to benefit our learners all over the world.<br/>With best wishes.<br/>General Manager <br/>Eng. Mohammad Farooq Alraee<br/> <br/> <br/> <br/>Le groupe Furqan pour l’enseignement presente à saclientèle une nouvelle application pour Smartphones, comprenant toutes les leçons « An-Nourania » sous forme audiovisuelle, et programmée de maniere simple et attractive, et offrant les compétencesnecessaires pour maitriser la prononciation de lalangue arabe et du Noble Coran.<br/>Nous demandons à Allah d’en faire profiter nos enfants à travers le monde.<br/><br/>Le directeur général<br/>Ing. Mohammad F. Alraee<br/> </font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Furqan Group For Education &amp; IT</font> </td> </tr> </table> ShelfPlayer - Rasmus Kramer ShelfPlayer is a sleek and modern Audiobookshelf client, specifically designed for audiobooks, podcasts and iOS, as well as iPadOS. Due to its design, snappy interface and deep integration it feels right at home on any supported device. Features: - Explore your Audiobooks, Podcasts, Episodes, Authors & Series: Use the beautiful UI to rediscover your favorite content - Download audiobooks & episodes and listen to them on the go: The app is designed to work as well offline as if you were at home - Sleep timer: Set a sleep timer to automatically stop playback, even at the end of the current chapter - Siri integration: Use Siri to play your audiobooks or podcast episodes - Custom playback speed: Customize the playback speed - Automatic downloads & notifications: Download new episodes automatically in the background Please note that collections are not supported right now. ShelfPlayer 0 Rasmus Kramer 4,99 € © 2024 Rasmus Krämer 2024-03-13T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Rasmus Kramer - ShelfPlayer artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">ShelfPlayer</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Rasmus Kramer</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 4,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> March 13, 2024 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>ShelfPlayer is a sleek and modern Audiobookshelf client, specifically designed for audiobooks, podcasts and iOS, as well as iPadOS. Due to its design, snappy interface and deep integration it feels right at home on any supported device.<br/><br/>Features:<br/><br/>- Explore your Audiobooks, Podcasts, Episodes, Authors &amp; Series: Use the beautiful UI to rediscover your favorite content<br/>- Download audiobooks &amp; episodes and listen to them on the go: The app is designed to work as well offline as if you were at home<br/>- Sleep timer: Set a sleep timer to automatically stop playback, even at the end of the current chapter<br/>- Siri integration: Use Siri to play your audiobooks or podcast episodes<br/>- Custom playback speed: Customize the playback speed<br/>- Automatic downloads &amp; notifications: Download new episodes automatically in the background<br/><br/>Please note that collections are not supported right now.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2024 Rasmus Krämer</font> </td> </tr> </table> The big word factory - Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH Read, play, learn, discover, dream: an enchanting picturebook-app for children aged 3 and up and lovebirds of any age – based on the bestseller „The great word factory“ by Agnès de Lestrade and Valeria Docampo. Awarded multiple times, e.g. with the Leipziger Lesekompass by Leipzig Bookfair and Stiftung Lesen. Highlights - Carefully implemented Mini-games - Playful learning for curious children aged 3+ - Artistic illustrations, specifically modified for the app - Beautiful animations and interactions - Charming audio track Games/Interactions (Tap the magic flying words and dive into the world of the word factory!) - Listen to individual words in the story by tapping them - Get to know a wide spectrum of words: sweet and bad words, funny and obsolete words, rhymes and greetings - Learn how various words sound in different languages - Find matching syllables and put them together to form words - Catch flying words - Help create the story and choose the colour of Marie’s dress Features: - Child-appropriate control and navigation - Read-aloud feature in 3 languages: German, English, French - Visual table of contents - Bonus: full story as a picture book film Story Paul and Marie are living in a land where people hardly ever speak. You have to buy and swallow words to be able to pronounce them. And words are expensive, especially the really good ones. So Paul collects words he finds on the street: „Cherry, Dust, Chair“. He wants to give them to Marie, to show her how much he likes her. „The great word factory“ talks about the world of words and the power of language. And the fact that in concerns of the heart, it doesn’t always matter what you say but rather how you say it. The two children, Paul and Marie, are the best example for that. Awards - GIGA Maus 2014 - Leipziger Lesekompass 2014 of Leipzig Bookfair and Stiftung Lesen - Pädagogischer Interaktiv-Preis 2014 - Children’s media award „Der weiße Elefant“ 2014 - Among the best children’s book apps 2013 at - Among the best book apps 2013 at Kirkus Reviews Press - „A sweeping declaration of love for the power of words, the world of reading and the value of language – a joy for the whole family to be looked at again and again.“ (RBB Kulturradio) - „This picturebook app inspires a love for literature.“ (DIE ZEIT) - „Very poetic.“ (ZEIT Wissen) - „A playful and mindful approach to language is creatively put into pictures and interactions! A wonderful story of friendship, full of emotion and imagination.“ (Leipziger Lesekompass 2014) - „The subtle illustrations and the calm atmosphere of the app fascinate children and adults alike. Enchanting!“ (Eltern family) - „A highly recommended app leading children into the imaginative world of language again and again.“ (DJI – Deutsches Jugendinstitut) Help We want you to enjoy the story of Paul and Marie without limitations. Thus we are there for you, should there be any technical problem despite all our efforts. Please send us an Email at - unfortunately, it’s not possible to reply to comments in the App store. Thank you! Adults Dear parents, we at mixtvision Digital produce high quality apps which you can discover, read and play with your children without concern. Here, as with all our other apps, we consciously made the decision not to use advertisements or in-app purchases. If you like the stories we tell in our apps, we would be glad about a positive rating and a comment here in the app store. Thank you! The big word factory 0 Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH 1,99 € © 2013-2016 mixtvision Digital GmbH 2013-10-17T01:15:11-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH - The big word factory artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">The big word factory</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Mixtvision Mediengesellschaft mbH</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 1,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 17, 2013 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Read, play, learn, discover, dream: an enchanting picturebook-app for children aged 3 and up and lovebirds of any age – based on the bestseller „The great word factory“ by Agnès de Lestrade and Valeria Docampo. Awarded multiple times, e.g. with the Leipziger Lesekompass by Leipzig Bookfair and Stiftung Lesen.<br/><br/><br/>Highlights<br/><br/>- Carefully implemented Mini-games<br/>- Playful learning for curious children aged 3+<br/>- Artistic illustrations, specifically modified for the app<br/>- Beautiful animations and interactions<br/>- Charming audio track<br/><br/> <br/>Games/Interactions<br/>(Tap the magic flying words and dive into the world of the word factory!)<br/> <br/>- Listen to individual words in the story by tapping them<br/>- Get to know a wide spectrum of words: sweet and bad words, funny and obsolete words, rhymes and greetings<br/>- Learn how various words sound in different languages<br/>- Find matching syllables and put them together to form words<br/>- Catch flying words<br/>- Help create the story and choose the colour of Marie’s dress<br/><br/><br/>Features:<br/> <br/>- Child-appropriate control and navigation<br/>- Read-aloud feature in 3 languages: German, English, French<br/>- Visual table of contents<br/>- Bonus: full story as a picture book film<br/><br/><br/>Story<br/> <br/>Paul and Marie are living in a land where people hardly ever speak. You have to buy and swallow words to be able to pronounce them. And words are expensive, especially the really good ones. So Paul collects words he finds on the street: „Cherry, Dust, Chair“. He wants to give them to Marie, to show her how much he likes her.<br/>„The great word factory“ talks about the world of words and the power of language. And the fact that in concerns of the heart, it doesn’t always matter what you say but rather how you say it. The two children, Paul and Marie, are the best example for that.<br/><br/><br/>Awards<br/> <br/>- GIGA Maus 2014<br/>- Leipziger Lesekompass 2014 of Leipzig Bookfair and Stiftung Lesen<br/>- Pädagogischer Interaktiv-Preis 2014<br/>- Children’s media award „Der weiße Elefant“ 2014 <br/>- Among the best children’s book apps 2013 at<br/>- Among the best book apps 2013 at Kirkus Reviews<br/><br/><br/>Press<br/> <br/>- „A sweeping declaration of love for the power of words, the world of reading and the value of language – a joy for the whole family to be looked at again and again.“ (RBB Kulturradio)<br/>- „This picturebook app inspires a love for literature.“ (DIE ZEIT)<br/>- „Very poetic.“ (ZEIT Wissen)<br/>- „A playful and mindful approach to language is creatively put into pictures and interactions! A wonderful story of friendship, full of emotion and imagination.“ (Leipziger Lesekompass 2014)<br/>- „The subtle illustrations and the calm atmosphere of the app fascinate children and adults alike. Enchanting!“ (Eltern family)<br/>- „A highly recommended app leading children into the imaginative world of language again and again.“ (DJI – Deutsches Jugendinstitut)<br/><br/><br/>Help<br/> <br/>We want you to enjoy the story of Paul and Marie without limitations. Thus we are there for you, should there be any technical problem despite all our efforts. Please send us an Email at - unfortunately, it’s not possible to reply to comments in the App store. Thank you!<br/><br/><br/>Adults<br/> <br/>Dear parents, we at mixtvision Digital produce high quality apps which you can discover, read and play with your children without concern. Here, as with all our other apps, we consciously made the decision not to use advertisements or in-app purchases. If you like the stories we tell in our apps, we would be glad about a positive rating and a comment here in the app store. Thank you!</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2013-2016 mixtvision Digital GmbH</font> </td> </tr> </table> cMate-IMDG Code - Maxim Lukyanenko cMate-IMDG Code contains: 1. IMDG Code (Volume 1 and Volume 2) Amendment 39-18 2. IMDG Code (Supplement) 3. DGL - Dangerous Goods List IMDG Code or International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code is accepted as an international guideline to the safe transportation or shipment of dangerous goods or hazardous materials by water on vessel. IMDG Code is intended to protect crew members and to prevent marine pollution in the safe transportation of hazardous materials by vessel. It is recommended to governments for adoption or for use as the basis for national regulations.s mandatory in conjunction with the obligations of the members of united nation government under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). It is intended for use not only by the mariner but also by all those involved in industries and services connected with shipping. Contains advice on terminology, packaging, labeling, placarding, markings, stowage, segregation, handling, and emergency response. The HNS Convention covers hazardous and noxious substances that are included in the IMDG code. Language: English cMate-IMDG Code 0 Maxim Lukyanenko 3,99 € © ML 2020-01-29T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Maxim Lukyanenko - cMate-IMDG Code artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">cMate-IMDG Code</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Maxim Lukyanenko</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 3,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> January 29, 2020 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>cMate-IMDG Code contains:<br/><br/>1. IMDG Code (Volume 1 and Volume 2) Amendment 39-18<br/>2. IMDG Code (Supplement)<br/>3. DGL - Dangerous Goods List<br/><br/>IMDG Code or International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code is accepted as an international guideline to the safe transportation or shipment of dangerous goods or hazardous materials by water on vessel. IMDG Code is intended to protect crew members and to prevent marine pollution in the safe transportation of hazardous materials by vessel. It is recommended to governments for adoption or for use as the basis for national regulations.s mandatory in conjunction with the obligations of the members of united nation government under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78). It is intended for use not only by the mariner but also by all those involved in industries and services connected with shipping. Contains advice on terminology, packaging, labeling, placarding, markings, stowage, segregation, handling, and emergency response. The HNS Convention covers hazardous and noxious substances that are included in the IMDG code.<br/><br/>Language: English</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © ML</font> </td> </tr> </table> BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager - Kimico, Ltd. BookBuddy is a powerful book management app that gives you access to your entire book catalog, anywhere. Using BookBuddy is fun and easy, allowing you to quickly find any book in your library, share your favorite books, and keep track of borrowed and lent books. KEY FEATURES • Adding Your Books Add your books using the following options: - Scan barcode - Enter ISBN - Search online by keyword - Add manually - Import from CSV file • Organizing Your Books Place your books where they belong: - My Books — books you own - Wish List — books you wish to own - Borrowed — books you borrowed from others - Previously Owned — books you no longer own • Syncing Your Library Sync your library across multiple devices using iCloud or Dropbox sync. • Sharing Your Library Share your library online via the BookBuddy Companion website and invite anyone to view it (requires a monthly subscription). MORE TO LOVE • Universal app — pay once and use BookBuddy on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Silicon Mac. • Personalize — use categories and tags, mark favorites, add personal notes, and much more. • Appearance — choose either list or grid view to best match your needs. • Custom Filters — filter your library by multiple criteria. • Advanced Sorting — apply multi-level data sorting. • Loans — instantly track books that are currently loaned out. • Multiple selection — apply batch operations using multiple selection. • Reading Status — filter your books by their reading status. • Quick find — instantly find books by entering search keywords or scanning their barcodes. • Export — quickly export your library into CSV, PDF, or HTML formats. • Print — easily print selected books to AirPrint-enabled printers. • Backup — create backups to any cloud service. • Activity History — view the full history of your reading and loaning activities. • Duplicates — quickly detect duplicates and easily remove them. • Privacy — your library is saved locally and privately on your device. • And so much more! CLASSROOM LIBRARY MANAGER (for teachers) • Manage — use BookBuddy to manage your classroom library and track student checkouts. • Checkout History — easily track checkout history and view statistics. • Contacts — save your student names in BookBuddy Contacts rather than in your personal Contacts app. • Reading Level Fields — use various fields to track the reading level of your books. • Online Sharing — allow students to self-checkout books via the BookBuddy Companion website (requires a monthly subscription). FEEDBACK We love staying in touch with our users and we look forward to hearing from you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at: or visit: Follow us on Facebook: * Privacy policy: * Terms and Conditions: BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager 0 Kimico, Ltd. 5,99 € © 2010 Kimico Ltd. 2010-10-09T14:35:35-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Kimico, Ltd. - BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">BookBuddy Pro: Library Manager</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Kimico, Ltd.</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 5,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 9, 2010 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>BookBuddy is a powerful book management app that gives you access to your entire book catalog, anywhere. Using BookBuddy is fun and easy, allowing you to quickly find any book in your library, share your favorite books, and keep track of borrowed and lent books.<br/><br/>KEY FEATURES<br/><br/>• Adding Your Books<br/>Add your books using the following options:<br/>- Scan barcode<br/>- Enter ISBN<br/>- Search online by keyword<br/>- Add manually<br/>- Import from CSV file<br/><br/>• Organizing Your Books<br/>Place your books where they belong:<br/>- My Books — books you own<br/>- Wish List — books you wish to own<br/>- Borrowed — books you borrowed from others<br/>- Previously Owned — books you no longer own<br/><br/>• Syncing Your Library<br/>Sync your library across multiple devices using iCloud or Dropbox sync.<br/><br/>• Sharing Your Library<br/>Share your library online via the BookBuddy Companion website and invite anyone to view it (requires a monthly subscription).<br/><br/>MORE TO LOVE<br/><br/>• Universal app — pay once and use BookBuddy on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Silicon Mac.<br/>• Personalize — use categories and tags, mark favorites, add personal notes, and much more.<br/>• Appearance — choose either list or grid view to best match your needs.<br/>• Custom Filters — filter your library by multiple criteria.<br/>• Advanced Sorting — apply multi-level data sorting.<br/>• Loans — instantly track books that are currently loaned out.<br/>• Multiple selection — apply batch operations using multiple selection.<br/>• Reading Status — filter your books by their reading status.<br/>• Quick find — instantly find books by entering search keywords or scanning their barcodes.<br/>• Export — quickly export your library into CSV, PDF, or HTML formats.<br/>• Print — easily print selected books to AirPrint-enabled printers.<br/>• Backup — create backups to any cloud service.<br/>• Activity History — view the full history of your reading and loaning activities.<br/>• Duplicates — quickly detect duplicates and easily remove them.<br/>• Privacy — your library is saved locally and privately on your device.<br/>• And so much more!<br/><br/>CLASSROOM LIBRARY MANAGER (for teachers)<br/><br/>• Manage — use BookBuddy to manage your classroom library and track student checkouts.<br/>• Checkout History — easily track checkout history and view statistics.<br/>• Contacts — save your student names in BookBuddy Contacts rather than in your personal Contacts app.<br/>• Reading Level Fields — use various fields to track the reading level of your books.<br/>• Online Sharing — allow students to self-checkout books via the BookBuddy Companion website (requires a monthly subscription).<br/><br/>FEEDBACK<br/><br/>We love staying in touch with our users and we look forward to hearing from you! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please email us at:<br/><br/> <br/>or visit:<br/><br/>Follow us on Facebook:<br/><br/><br/>* Privacy policy:<br/>* Terms and Conditions:</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2010 Kimico Ltd.</font> </td> </tr> </table> Bluefire Reader - Bluefire Productions Bluefire Reader is the best way to read Adobe® Content Server protected ebooks on your iPhone or iPad. With Bluefire Reader you can read EPUB and PDF ebooks from many retailers, publishers and libraries. This full featured ereader app includes bookmarking, notes, search, collections, batch import and export, and settings for fully customizing your reading experience Bookstores, libraries and schools around the world tap Bluefire to design and develop their mission critical apps. Try Bluefire Reader today and see why. Bluefire Reader 0 Bluefire Productions 5,99 € © 2010-2021, Bluefire Productions, LLC 2010-10-09T10:49:42-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Bluefire Productions - Bluefire Reader artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Bluefire Reader</a></b><br/> <a href=";uo=2">Bluefire Productions</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Books</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> 5,99 € <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 9, 2010 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Bluefire Reader is the best way to read Adobe® Content Server protected ebooks on your iPhone or iPad. With Bluefire Reader you can read EPUB and PDF ebooks from many retailers, publishers and libraries.<br/><br/>This full featured ereader app includes bookmarking, notes, search, collections, batch import and export, and settings for fully customizing your reading experience<br/><br/>Bookstores, libraries and schools around the world tap Bluefire to design and develop their mission critical apps. Try Bluefire Reader today and see why.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2010-2021, Bluefire Productions, LLC</font> </td> </tr> </table>