Store: Top Paid Applications in Navigation2024-07-27T05:47:42-07:00 Store 2008 Apple Inc. Llwybrau'r Wyddfa - Snowdonia National Park Authority *** SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH *** Mae’r Wyddfa yn fynydd eiconig sy’n adnabyddus dros y byd i gyd. Mae’n gartref i gymuned fywiog, egnïol, ac i fusnesau a mannau gwaith arloesol yn ogystal â chlytwaith o ffermydd mynydd. Mae'n ased cenedlaethol a hwn yw mynydd mwyaf poblogaidd y Deyrnas Unedig o ran ymwelwyr. Mae'n denu pobl o bob cwr o Gymru, y DU, ac o bob rhan o'r byd. Dyluniwyd yr ap gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri a phartneriaid gweithgar sy’n cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o sefydliadau sydd â dyletswydd ymarferol o reoli’r mynydd ar lawr gwlad. Mae’r gwaith yn amrywio o reolaeth cadwraeth a llwybrau i dwristiaeth, ffermio ac achub mynydd. Mae’r ap yn hawdd i’w ddefnyddio, yn gweithio gyda GPS ac yn cynnwys mapiau manwl sy’n dilyn eich taith wrth i chi gerdded ar unrhyw un o’r 6 prif lwybr i’r copa. Mae hyn yn gweithio all-lein, sy’n golygu nad oes angen cyflenwad i’r we neu signal ffôn tra’n ei ddefnyddio ar y mynydd. Mae pob map yn cynnwys cyfuchliniau fel y gallwch gadw golwg ar ddarnau anodd wrth i chi gerdded. Fe fydd yr ap yn eich helpu i gynllunio ymlaen llaw cyn eich ymweliad ac yn cynnwys cyngor pwysig fydd yn eich galluogi i’n cynorthwyo i barchu, gofalu, a gwarchod y mynydd, yr amgylchedd o’i amgylch, a’r cymunedau lleol. Yn cynnwys data AO © Hawlfraint y goron a hawl basdata 2020. Datblygwyd yr ap gan Tiny Mobile Limited ar gyfer Partneriaeth Yr Wyddfa. Cysylltwch â os oes diddordeb gennych mewn datblygu ap cerdded. Yr Wyddfa (pronounced uhr-with-va) is a globally renowned, iconic mountain and home to vibrant, energetic communities and a mosaic of upland hill farms. It is a national asset, the most visited mountain in the UK, attracting people from across Wales, the UK and around the world. This app is designed by the Eryri National Park Authority (Snowdonia) together with partners who are responsible for the on-the-ground management of the mountain. The work ranges from conservation and path management to tourism, farming and mountain rescue. Our simple to use GPS-enabled app covers the 6 main paths to the summit of Yr Wyddfa with detailed route maps that tracks your progress as you ascend. This works offline, meaning no internet or phone signal is required when using the app on the mountain. Each map also includes contour information so you can look out for hazardous sections as you climb. This app will also help you plan ahead before your visit and includes important advice which will allow you to help us respect, care, and protect this incredible mountain, the surrounding environment and local communities. Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2023. This walking app was developed for Partneriaeth Yr Wyddfa by Tinymobile Limited. Email Paul on if you would like to discuss walking app development. Llwybrau'r Wyddfa 0 Snowdonia National Park Authority £1.99 © 2023 Snowdonia National Park Authority 2020-07-16T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Snowdonia National Park Authority - Llwybrau'r Wyddfa artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Llwybrau'r Wyddfa</a></b><br/> <a href="">Snowdonia National Park Authority</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £1.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> July 16, 2020 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>*** SCROLL DOWN FOR ENGLISH ***<br/><br/>Mae’r Wyddfa yn fynydd eiconig sy’n adnabyddus dros y byd i gyd. Mae’n gartref i gymuned fywiog, egnïol, ac i fusnesau a mannau gwaith arloesol yn ogystal â chlytwaith o ffermydd mynydd. Mae&#39;n ased cenedlaethol a hwn yw mynydd mwyaf poblogaidd y Deyrnas Unedig o ran ymwelwyr. Mae&#39;n denu pobl o bob cwr o Gymru, y DU, ac o bob rhan o&#39;r byd.<br/><br/>Dyluniwyd yr ap gan Awdurdod Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri a phartneriaid gweithgar sy’n cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o sefydliadau sydd â dyletswydd ymarferol o reoli’r mynydd ar lawr gwlad. Mae’r gwaith yn amrywio o reolaeth cadwraeth a llwybrau i dwristiaeth, ffermio ac achub mynydd.<br/><br/>Mae’r ap yn hawdd i’w ddefnyddio, yn gweithio gyda GPS ac yn cynnwys mapiau manwl sy’n dilyn eich taith wrth i chi gerdded ar unrhyw un o’r 6 prif lwybr i’r copa. Mae hyn yn gweithio all-lein, sy’n golygu nad oes angen cyflenwad i’r we neu signal ffôn tra’n ei ddefnyddio ar y mynydd. Mae pob map yn cynnwys cyfuchliniau fel y gallwch gadw golwg ar ddarnau anodd wrth i chi gerdded.<br/><br/>Fe fydd yr ap yn eich helpu i gynllunio ymlaen llaw cyn eich ymweliad ac yn cynnwys cyngor pwysig fydd yn eich galluogi i’n cynorthwyo i barchu, gofalu, a gwarchod y mynydd, yr amgylchedd o’i amgylch, a’r cymunedau lleol.<br/><br/>Yn cynnwys data AO &#169; Hawlfraint y goron a hawl basdata 2020.<br/><br/>Datblygwyd yr ap gan Tiny Mobile Limited ar gyfer Partneriaeth Yr Wyddfa. Cysylltwch â os oes diddordeb gennych mewn datblygu ap cerdded.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Yr Wyddfa (pronounced uhr-with-va) is a globally renowned, iconic mountain and home to vibrant, energetic communities and a mosaic of upland hill farms. It is a national asset, the most visited mountain in the UK, attracting people from across Wales, the UK and around the world.<br/><br/>This app is designed by the Eryri National Park Authority (Snowdonia) together with partners who are responsible for the on-the-ground management of the mountain. The work ranges from conservation and path management to tourism, farming and mountain rescue.<br/><br/>Our simple to use GPS-enabled app covers the 6 main paths to the summit of Yr Wyddfa with detailed route maps that tracks your progress as you ascend. This works offline, meaning no internet or phone signal is required when using the app on the mountain. Each map also includes contour information so you can look out for hazardous sections as you climb.<br/><br/>This app will also help you plan ahead before your visit and includes important advice which will allow you to help us respect, care, and protect this incredible mountain, the surrounding environment and local communities.<br/><br/>Contains OS data &#169; Crown copyright and database right 2023.<br/><br/>This walking app was developed for Partneriaeth Yr Wyddfa by Tinymobile Limited. Email Paul on if you would like to discuss walking app development.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2023 Snowdonia National Park Authority</font> </td> </tr> </table> Solocator - GPS Field Camera - Civi Corp Solocator is a GPS camera for fieldwork or when you need photos for proof. Overlay and stamp photos with location, direction, altitude, date & time taken. With the Industry Pack (In-App Purchase), capture field notes such as project name, photo description, company or username. Solocator is used by many industries, government agencies and professionals across the globe for photo documentation.   TAILOR OVERLAY INFORMATION TO YOUR NEEDS Select information you need to capture & stamp on your photos:   + GPS position (Latitude & Longitude in various formats) ± Accuracy + UTM/MGRS coordinate formats (Industry Pack) + Compass direction–bearing + Altitude (Metric & Imperial units) + Tilt & Roll angles + Crosshair + Local date & time based on your GPS location + Local time zone + UTC time + Show compass + Street address (Industry Pack) + Show cardinal direction in Building mode, e.g. North elevation of a building face. + Option to use abbreviations or Unicode characters for direction, position and altitude.   CAMERA Overlays are designed for both back and front selfie cameras. Ultra-wide angle and pre-set zoom buttons are supported within pinch zoom, plus other standard camera controls, including self-timer, flash and exposure.     AUTOSAVE PHOTOS TO iCLOUD & CAMERA ROLL Take and autosave two photos at once: one stamped with the selected overlays and the other as an original high-resolution photo.     SORT, SEARCH, SHARE OR EMAIL + Photos are sorted by time, location, distance from current location and project name if using the Industry Pack. + View photo direction and location in map view and navigate there. + Share photos individually or as a zip file via the share sheet. + Search for photos by date, date range or with the Industry Pack search by text used in notes and address. + Email photos including the following information: - Exif metadata - Compass direction - GPS position ± accuracy - Altitude - Tilt & Roll - Date & time taken - Street address (Industry Pack) - Elevation of building face viewed - Links to maps so the receiver can navigate there easily     INDUSTRY PACK (In-App Purchase) “One-time charge”   EDITABLE NOTES OVERLAY Stamp your photos with "Project name", "Description" & “Watermark”. The Project Name field could be used as a job or ticket number. The Watermark field is typically used for company or username. You can also edit these fields later.   CUSTOM EXPORT FILENAME Define your photo export filename from a selection of fields: Project Name, Description, Watermark, Street Address, Date/Time, Number# and the Custom text field.   BATCH EDIT NOTES OVERLAY FIELDS Select multiple photos from the library and edit Project Name, Description & Watermark fields in one go.   STREET ADDRESS & UTM/MGRS Add street address to your overlay or use UTM/, UTM Bands & MGRS coordinate formats instead of Lat/Long.   AUTOSAVE OR EXPORT PHOTOS TO CLOUD STORAGE Autosave original and stamped photos to Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive (Personal & For Business), including SharePoint Sites and Teams. You can also save photos in date or project name subfolders - automatically. Or select and export photos later.   PHOTO DATA in KML, KMZ & CSV Along with photos, email or export photo data and notes in KML, KMZ or CSV formats. Both email and export buttons are customisable to suit your data requirements.   TRACK PHOTOS IN MAP VIEW View photos by direction, the distance between photos, area of photos taken and distance to your added markers via imported KML files or dropped pins.   REFINE & LOCK GPS LOCATION Ideal for those working in and around buildings; to improve your GPS location. You can also use it to lock the asset position you're photographing.   COMPACT VIEW Switch off Compass, Building and Street modes and only show the GPS info bar on top of photos for a more compact view.   VPP Customers: Terms of Use: Solocator - GPS Field Camera 0 Civi Corp £0.99 © 2012 - 2024 Civi Corp Pty Limited 2012-12-09T07:12:33-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Civi Corp - Solocator - GPS Field Camera artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Solocator - GPS Field Camera</a></b><br/> <a href="">Civi Corp</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £0.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> December 9, 2012 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Solocator is a GPS camera for fieldwork or when you need photos for proof. Overlay and stamp photos with location, direction, altitude, date &amp; time taken. With the Industry Pack (In-App Purchase), capture field notes such as project name, photo description, company or username.<br/>Solocator is used by many industries, government agencies and professionals across the globe for photo documentation.<br/> <br/>TAILOR OVERLAY INFORMATION TO YOUR NEEDS<br/>Select information you need to capture &amp; stamp on your photos:<br/> <br/>+ GPS position (Latitude &amp; Longitude in various formats) ± Accuracy<br/>+ UTM/MGRS coordinate formats (Industry Pack)<br/>+ Compass direction–bearing<br/>+ Altitude (Metric &amp; Imperial units)<br/>+ Tilt &amp; Roll angles<br/>+ Crosshair<br/>+ Local date &amp; time based on your GPS location<br/>+ Local time zone<br/>+ UTC time<br/>+ Show compass<br/>+ Street address (Industry Pack)<br/>+ Show cardinal direction in Building mode, e.g. North elevation of a building face.<br/>+ Option to use abbreviations or Unicode characters for direction, position and altitude.<br/> <br/><br/>CAMERA <br/>Overlays are designed for both back and front selfie cameras. Ultra-wide angle and pre-set zoom buttons are supported within pinch zoom, plus other standard camera controls, including self-timer, flash and exposure.<br/> <br/> <br/>AUTOSAVE PHOTOS TO iCLOUD &amp; CAMERA ROLL<br/>Take and autosave two photos at once: one stamped with the selected overlays and the other as an original high-resolution photo.<br/> <br/> <br/>SORT, SEARCH, SHARE OR EMAIL<br/>+ Photos are sorted by time, location, distance from current location and project name if using the Industry Pack.<br/>+ View photo direction and location in map view and navigate there.<br/>+ Share photos individually or as a zip file via the share sheet.<br/>+ Search for photos by date, date range or with the Industry Pack search by text used in notes and address.<br/>+ Email photos including the following information:<br/>- Exif metadata<br/>- Compass direction<br/>- GPS position ± accuracy<br/>- Altitude<br/>- Tilt &amp; Roll<br/>- Date &amp; time taken<br/>- Street address (Industry Pack)<br/>- Elevation of building face viewed<br/>- Links to maps so the receiver can navigate there easily<br/> <br/> <br/>INDUSTRY PACK (In-App Purchase) “One-time charge”<br/> <br/>EDITABLE NOTES OVERLAY<br/>Stamp your photos with &#34;Project name&#34;, &#34;Description&#34; &amp; “Watermark”. The Project Name field could be used as a job or ticket number. The Watermark field is typically used for company or username. You can also edit these fields later.<br/> <br/>CUSTOM EXPORT FILENAME<br/>Define your photo export filename from a selection of fields: Project Name, Description, Watermark, Street Address, Date/Time, Number# and the Custom text field.<br/> <br/>BATCH EDIT NOTES OVERLAY FIELDS<br/>Select multiple photos from the library and edit Project Name, Description &amp; Watermark fields in one go.<br/> <br/>STREET ADDRESS &amp; UTM/MGRS<br/>Add street address to your overlay or use UTM/, UTM Bands &amp; MGRS coordinate formats instead of Lat/Long.<br/> <br/>AUTOSAVE OR EXPORT PHOTOS TO CLOUD STORAGE<br/>Autosave original and stamped photos to Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive (Personal &amp; For Business), including SharePoint Sites and Teams. You can also save photos in date or project name subfolders - automatically. Or select and export photos later.<br/> <br/>PHOTO DATA in KML, KMZ &amp; CSV<br/>Along with photos, email or export photo data and notes in KML, KMZ or CSV formats. Both email and export buttons are customisable to suit your data requirements.<br/> <br/>TRACK PHOTOS IN MAP VIEW<br/>View photos by direction, the distance between photos, area of photos taken and distance to your added markers via imported KML files or dropped pins.<br/> <br/>REFINE &amp; LOCK GPS LOCATION<br/>Ideal for those working in and around buildings; to improve your GPS location. You can also use it to lock the asset position you&#39;re photographing.<br/> <br/>COMPACT VIEW<br/>Switch off Compass, Building and Street modes and only show the GPS info bar on top of photos for a more compact view.<br/> <br/>VPP Customers:<br/>Terms of Use:</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2012 - 2024 Civi Corp Pty Limited</font> </td> </tr> </table> PRO - Eifrig Media The best traffic safety app! PRO keeps you informed with live alerts on mobile and fixed hazards, breakdowns, accidents, traffic jams, and more in your vicinity. Join Europe's largest and most well-known traffic community with over 5 million active users, making your car journey safer and more relaxed. ► DIFFERENT VIEWS Choose between the simple Classic view, the map view, or the discreet Dark Mode. ► PERSONALIZED Decide for yourself which hazards you want to be alerted of. ► INNOVATIVE NAVIGATION Navigate with swarm intelligence and reach your destination faster. ► MANY AUDIO OPTIONS Alerting through voice or beep. Via car speakers or CarPlay. Additional vibration for motorcyclists. ► STABLE BACKGROUND OPERATION Receive alerts even during phone calls or while using other apps. ADVANTAGES OVERVIEW * Live updates on fixed and mobile hazards * Over 109,000 fixed hazards worldwide * Reliable, accurate, and road-specific alerts, verified by our traffic editorial team * Display of hazard type with allowed maximum speed and distance * Optimized for use in the car: self-explanatory and without distraction from traffic * Easy reporting and confirming of hazards * Personal customer support for questions, suggestions, or issues * No annoying ads SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS * From iPhone SE with at least iOS 13.0 * Enabled location services * Internet connection for online updates (flat rate recommended) IN-APP PURCHASE: MOBILE DANGERS Benefit from all the app's features in the first 14 days. After this 14-day trial period, you will continuously receive unlimited updated alerts of fixed hazards worldwide. Secure the full functionality of the app, including lifelong mobile hazard alerts and real-time information on hazards such as breakdowns, traffic jams, accidents, construction sites, and more, with a one-time in-app purchase. No subscription, no additional costs. FOLLOW US VISIT US ON THE WEB PRO 0 Eifrig Media £0.49 © Eifrig Media GmbH 2024 2022-08-03T00:00:00-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Eifrig Media - PRO artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href=""> PRO</a></b><br/> <a href="">Eifrig Media</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £0.49 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> August 3, 2022 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>The best traffic safety app!<br/> PRO keeps you informed with live alerts on mobile and fixed hazards, breakdowns, accidents, traffic jams, and more in your vicinity. Join Europe&#39;s largest and most well-known traffic community with over 5 million active users, making your car journey safer and more relaxed.<br/><br/>► DIFFERENT VIEWS<br/>Choose between the simple Classic view, the map view, or the discreet Dark Mode.<br/><br/>► PERSONALIZED<br/>Decide for yourself which hazards you want to be alerted of.<br/><br/>► INNOVATIVE NAVIGATION<br/>Navigate with swarm intelligence and reach your destination faster.<br/><br/>► MANY AUDIO OPTIONS<br/>Alerting through voice or beep. Via car speakers or CarPlay. Additional vibration for motorcyclists.<br/><br/>► STABLE BACKGROUND OPERATION<br/>Receive alerts even during phone calls or while using other apps.<br/><br/>ADVANTAGES OVERVIEW<br/>* Live updates on fixed and mobile hazards<br/>* Over 109,000 fixed hazards worldwide<br/>* Reliable, accurate, and road-specific alerts, verified by our traffic editorial team<br/>* Display of hazard type with allowed maximum speed and distance<br/>* Optimized for use in the car: self-explanatory and without distraction from traffic<br/>* Easy reporting and confirming of hazards<br/>* Personal customer support for questions, suggestions, or issues<br/>* No annoying ads<br/><br/>SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS<br/>* From iPhone SE with at least iOS 13.0<br/>* Enabled location services<br/>* Internet connection for online updates (flat rate recommended)<br/><br/>IN-APP PURCHASE: MOBILE DANGERS<br/>Benefit from all the app&#39;s features in the first 14 days. After this 14-day trial period, you will continuously receive unlimited updated alerts of fixed hazards worldwide. Secure the full functionality of the app, including lifelong mobile hazard alerts and real-time information on hazards such as breakdowns, traffic jams, accidents, construction sites, and more, with a one-time in-app purchase. No subscription, no additional costs.<br/><br/>FOLLOW US<br/><br/><br/><br/>VISIT US ON THE WEB<br/></font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Eifrig Media GmbH 2024</font> </td> </tr> </table> Ship Finder - pinkfroot limited Ship Finder shows live moving ships on a worldwide map. The intuitive design combined with incredible performance puts you in control. Watch in full screen, view in AR, search, add filters and so much more! Ship Finder has been top rated and top ranking since 2009 and covers most of the world, tracking 20,000+ ships simultaneously. Our incredible app performance means that you can see all tracked vessels at once - no clustering here! Simply tap a ship to see its name, type, photos, speed, dimensions and much more. Powerful features such as filters, search and the ability to save favourite ships are included. (You can choose Apple or Google maps too!). Add and browse bookmarks to saved locations around the globe to quickly navigate to areas or ports of interest. You can even use Augmented Reality (AR) view to identify ships out at sea using your device camera. Ship Finder works by picking up AIS ship feeds used by all passenger vessels, vessels over 300 tons and increasingly by smaller pleasure craft and yachts. This technology is actually faster than radar and is used by vessels for safety and navigation. Ship Finder provides near real time “virtual radar” AIS maps. It’s easy to use and is an amazing app for anyone interested in shipping, cruising and sailing in ports and locations across the world. It’s also great if you simply want to know what boats are out there or want to see where your friends and family are. Ship Finder is also used extensively by maritime professionals and mariners. Our global AIS coverage is impressive and expanding all of the time as we add new AIS feeds and receivers. Please check regularly to see the latest coverage. Pinkfroot are committed to customer service and continually improve our Ship Finder apps based on feedback. Why not join our online community at or if you have any questions please email us via and we’ll be happy to help. Disclaimer: Ship Finder should not be used for navigational purposes. Under no circumstances will the developer of this application be held responsible for incidents resulting from the use of the data or its interpretation. Ship Finder 0 pinkfroot limited £4.99 © pinkfroot limited 2010-2018 2010-04-01T13:59:01-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="pinkfroot limited - Ship Finder artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Ship Finder</a></b><br/> <a href="">pinkfroot limited</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £4.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> April 1, 2010 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Ship Finder shows live moving ships on a worldwide map. The intuitive design combined with incredible performance puts you in control. Watch in full screen, view in AR, search, add filters and so much more!<br/><br/>Ship Finder has been top rated and top ranking since 2009 and covers most of the world, tracking 20,000+ ships simultaneously.<br/><br/>Our incredible app performance means that you can see all tracked vessels at once - no clustering here!<br/>Simply tap a ship to see its name, type, photos, speed, dimensions and much more.<br/>Powerful features such as filters, search and the ability to save favourite ships are included. (You can choose Apple or Google maps too!).<br/><br/>Add and browse bookmarks to saved locations around the globe to quickly navigate to areas or ports of interest.<br/><br/>You can even use Augmented Reality (AR) view to identify ships out at sea using your device camera. <br/><br/>Ship Finder works by picking up AIS ship feeds used by all passenger vessels, vessels over 300 tons and increasingly by smaller pleasure craft and yachts. This technology is actually faster than radar and is used by vessels for safety and navigation.<br/><br/>Ship Finder provides near real time “virtual radar” AIS maps. It’s easy to use and is an amazing app for anyone interested in shipping, cruising and sailing in ports and locations across the world. It’s also great if you simply want to know what boats are out there or want to see where your friends and family are. Ship Finder is also used extensively by maritime professionals and mariners.<br/><br/>Our global AIS coverage is impressive and expanding all of the time as we add new AIS feeds and receivers. Please check regularly to see the latest coverage.<br/><br/>Pinkfroot are committed to customer service and continually improve our Ship Finder apps based on feedback. Why not join our online community at or if you have any questions please email us via and we’ll be happy to help. <br/><br/>Disclaimer: Ship Finder should not be used for navigational purposes. <br/>Under no circumstances will the developer of this application be held responsible for incidents resulting from the use of the data or its interpretation.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © pinkfroot limited 2010-2018</font> </td> </tr> </table> Lake District Maps Offline - JOMO Solutions Ltd Featured in Ordnance Survey's OS OpenData innovative application showcase. Beautifully detailed maps supplied by Ordnance Survey. Lake District Maps provides a useful offline (no mobile signal required) mapping reference and navigation aid whilst travelling throughout the Lake District by footpath, road, rail, canal, lake and river.  Intuitive route and waypoint management features are implemented enabling creation, modification, deletion, import and export of routes. A powerful offline search facility can locate places, roads, post codes and hills within the region.   Worldwide online Apple Maps (Standard, Satellite and Hybrid) with map features that users are used to are available on both offline and online maps as well as providing 3D buildings on Apple maps (where available). Maps 7 different levels of offline 2014/2015 Ordnance Survey map detail from national overview to street view within the region. (No data connection required). Progressively more detailed maps are automatically loaded as the map view is zoomed. The OS recommended viewing scales for the more detailed maps are approximately as follows: 1:1000,000 (The whole of GB is covered at this map scale) 1:250,000 1:50,000 1:25,000 1:10,000 ( (Roads/streets are labelled by name)) The map region of the more detailed maps covers a rectangular region around the national park boundary (ref. - Contours with height information and annotated height points - Extensive footpaths from ©OpenStreetMap contributors - National Park boundary demarkation App - Route/Waypoint management. - Offline search functionality with searchable locations (places, roads, post codes and hills). (For the place search a location's latitude and longitude is accurate to 0.1 of a minute of the centre point of the 1x1 km National Grid square in which the name falls) - Detailed hill information, including height, OS Grid Ref, latitude and longitude, region, parent, classification, drop and hill specific links to Streetmap, Geograph and Hill Bagging web sites - Display of current GPS position as OS Grid Reference or WGS84 latitude and longitude - "Share My Location" allowing users to share an image of their current location and location references.  Buttons are provided to share location information by Facebook, Twitter, iMessage/SMS and e-mail - Online access to worldwide Apple Standard, Satellite and Hybrid maps - Apple 3D Buildings are displayed on Apple Standard maps - Apple maps contain Points of Interest - User location can be tracked with or without heading on all online and offline maps (GPS capable devices only) - Display of scale bar in either metric or imperial units - Display of current speed - Zoom, pan, rotation of all maps - Pitch of Apple Standard and Ordnance Survey maps - Selection of current location annotation for display of speed and location data - User setting for speed display in Miles per Hour (mph) or Kilometres per Hour (kph) - Selection of search result pin annotations to display location information - Collective deletion of search result annotation pins - A user guide is provided within the app The OS search data was published by Ordnance Survey in 2014. Extracts from "The Database of British and Irish Hills" v14 published 22/04/2014 (ref. ) No warranty The data is supplied by Apple, Ordnance Survey, contributors to OpenStreetMap and Database of British and Irish Hills. The Information is licensed 'as is' and the Information Provider and/or Licensor excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Information Provider and/or Licensor are not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. This app is not a substitute for a paper map and compass. Lake District Maps Offline 0 JOMO Solutions Ltd £1.99 Contains Ordnance Survey, Royal Mail and National Statistics data © Crown and Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014/5. Contains Database of British and Irish Hills, ©OpenStreetMap contributors 2015-01-28T19:35:34-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="JOMO Solutions Ltd - Lake District Maps Offline artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Lake District Maps Offline</a></b><br/> <a href="">JOMO Solutions Ltd</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £1.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> January 28, 2015 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Featured in Ordnance Survey&#39;s OS OpenData innovative application showcase. <br/><br/>Beautifully detailed maps supplied by Ordnance Survey.<br/><br/>Lake District Maps provides a useful offline (no mobile signal required) mapping reference and navigation aid whilst travelling throughout the Lake District by footpath, road, rail, canal, lake and river.  Intuitive route and waypoint management features are implemented enabling creation, modification, deletion, import and export of routes. A powerful offline search facility can locate places, roads, post codes and hills within the region.   Worldwide online Apple Maps (Standard, Satellite and Hybrid) with map features that users are used to are available on both offline and online maps as well as providing 3D buildings on Apple maps (where available).<br/><br/>Maps<br/><br/>7 different levels of offline 2014/2015 Ordnance Survey map detail from national overview to street view within the region. (No data connection required).<br/>Progressively more detailed maps are automatically loaded as the map view is zoomed. The OS recommended viewing scales for the more detailed maps are approximately as follows:<br/><br/>1:1000,000 (The whole of GB is covered at this map scale) <br/>1:250,000<br/>1:50,000<br/>1:25,000<br/>1:10,000 ( (Roads/streets are labelled by name))<br/><br/>The map region of the more detailed maps covers a rectangular region around the national park boundary (ref.<br/><br/>- Contours with height information and annotated height points<br/>- Extensive footpaths from &#169;OpenStreetMap contributors<br/>- National Park boundary demarkation<br/><br/>App<br/><br/>- Route/Waypoint management.<br/>- Offline search functionality with searchable locations (places, roads, post codes and hills). (For the place search a location&#39;s latitude and longitude is accurate to 0.1 of a minute of the centre point of the 1x1 km National Grid square in which the name falls)<br/>- Detailed hill information, including height, OS Grid Ref, latitude and longitude, region, parent, classification, drop and hill specific links to Streetmap, Geograph and Hill Bagging web sites<br/>- Display of current GPS position as OS Grid Reference or WGS84 latitude and longitude<br/>- &#34;Share My Location&#34; allowing users to share an image of their current location and location references.  Buttons are provided to share location information by Facebook, Twitter, iMessage/SMS and e-mail<br/>- Online access to worldwide Apple Standard, Satellite and Hybrid maps<br/>- Apple 3D Buildings are displayed on Apple Standard maps<br/>- Apple maps contain Points of Interest<br/>- User location can be tracked with or without heading on all online and offline maps (GPS capable devices only)<br/>- Display of scale bar in either metric or imperial units<br/>- Display of current speed<br/>- Zoom, pan, rotation of all maps<br/>- Pitch of Apple Standard and Ordnance Survey maps<br/>- Selection of current location annotation for display of speed and location data<br/>- User setting for speed display in Miles per Hour (mph) or Kilometres per Hour (kph)<br/>- Selection of search result pin annotations to display location information<br/>- Collective deletion of search result annotation pins<br/>- A user guide is provided within the app<br/><br/>The OS search data was published by Ordnance Survey in 2014.<br/>Extracts from &#34;The Database of British and Irish Hills&#34; v14 published 22/04/2014 (ref. )<br/><br/>No warranty<br/><br/>The data is supplied by Apple, Ordnance Survey, contributors to OpenStreetMap and Database of British and Irish Hills.<br/><br/>The Information is licensed &#39;as is&#39; and the Information Provider and/or Licensor excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law.<br/><br/>The Information Provider and/or Licensor are not liable for any errors or omissions in the Information and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use.<br/><br/>This app is not a substitute for a paper map and compass.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; Contains Ordnance Survey, Royal Mail and National Statistics data © Crown and Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014/5. Contains Database of British and Irish Hills, ©OpenStreetMap contributors</font> </td> </tr> </table> Anchor! drag alarm - Pomacanthus Be alerted if your anchor drags with a simple yet full of features app : Easy to use - Late set - Remote mode - Dark mode support - Arc or circle Perimeter - Watch app - Find my boat EASY SET UP: Press the main button (anchor down) to set anchor position, Touch the alarm circle on map to adjust alarm radius and you're ready. EASY STOP: Press the main button (anchor up) disables all alarms. EASY TO SET ANCHOR POSITION: Main button to set anchor at your current position, Choose a position on the map: relocate anchor with drag and drop. EASY TO ADJUST ALARM DISTANCE: Either set a value in settings, Or adjust it directly by touching the alarm circle. ALL INCLUSIVE: No add, no subscription, no in app purchase add on. ARC OR CIRCLE PERIMETER 4 ALARMS METHODS: Attention catching visual alarm with a blinking black/white screen (foreground only), Accoustic with ringtone choice (iPads needs to be unmuted in the Control Center), Remote, Mail. REMOTE MODE: check your position and get alerted on a second device. FIND YOUR BOAT: dinghy option in remote mode FIND MY BOAT: Crowded anchorage? The remote features a dinghy mode that will shows directions to your boat. WORKS OFFLINE! You still see your boat position relative to the anchor, the anchor position and the alarm circle. Once offline the map is replaced by a graphic. WATCH COMPANION APP : anchor, snooze and stop alarms from watch. Watch notifications are less intrusive and will silence the phone notifications. We thus recommend to opt-out watch notifications. ENHANCED TRACK RECORDING: The boat track is recorded and a time-colored path is displayed on map. You can identify at first glance whether your anchor position is drifting or not. TRACK MANAGEMENT: Enable, disable and reset the track. Export it in CSV or GPX format. Vertical map scale in feet or meters. User interface compatible with dark mode for night use. Compatible with flic and flic V2 buttons, no hub required. flic buttons are splash proof smart buttons and you may use them as a remote to set, snooze and stop alarms. Strictly respects your privacy: we do not collect any of your personal information, ever. Compatible with external GPS for best accuracy (required for iPad with no gps) : tested on gns2000 , Dual xgps, Bad Elf and Garlmin glo. Compatible with Flic buttons. ---- legal notice: When the alarm is on, this app will use GPS in the background to be able to alert you. Continued use of GPS in the background can dramatically decrease battery life: don't forget your charger on board. The remote mode uses an external server that could be shut down without notice by its provider or run slow . The remote mode needs data connexion and 2 apple or android devices Use of the remote mode comes is subject to the agreement to this supplementary copyright notice: In addition to the applicable standard EULA, permission is not granted to use Anchor! to track someone without his dedicated and recent consent. Provided maps are not nautical charts. Anchor! drag alarm 0 Pomacanthus £4.99 © 2013-2021 A. Arnail 2013-07-01T07:57:17-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Pomacanthus - Anchor! drag alarm artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Anchor! drag alarm</a></b><br/> <a href="">Pomacanthus</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £4.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> July 1, 2013 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Be alerted if your anchor drags with a simple yet full of features app : Easy to use - Late set - Remote mode - Dark mode support - Arc or circle Perimeter - Watch app - Find my boat<br/><br/>EASY SET UP:<br/>Press the main button (anchor down) to set anchor position,<br/>Touch the alarm circle on map to adjust alarm radius and you&#39;re ready.<br/><br/>EASY STOP:<br/>Press the main button (anchor up) disables all alarms.<br/><br/>EASY TO SET ANCHOR POSITION:<br/>Main button to set anchor at your current position,<br/>Choose a position on the map: relocate anchor with drag and drop.<br/> <br/>EASY TO ADJUST ALARM DISTANCE:<br/>Either set a value in settings,<br/>Or adjust it directly by touching the alarm circle.<br/><br/>ALL INCLUSIVE: No add, no subscription, no in app purchase add on.<br/><br/>ARC OR CIRCLE PERIMETER<br/><br/>4 ALARMS METHODS:<br/>Attention catching visual alarm with a blinking black/white screen (foreground only),<br/>Accoustic with ringtone choice (iPads needs to be unmuted in the Control Center),<br/>Remote,<br/>Mail.<br/><br/>REMOTE MODE: check your position and get alerted on a second device. <br/>FIND YOUR BOAT: dinghy option in remote mode<br/><br/>FIND MY BOAT: Crowded anchorage? The remote features a dinghy mode that will shows directions to your boat.<br/><br/>WORKS OFFLINE! You still see your boat position relative to the anchor, the anchor position and the alarm circle. Once offline the map is replaced by a graphic.<br/><br/>WATCH COMPANION APP : anchor, snooze and stop alarms from watch.<br/>Watch notifications are less intrusive and will silence the phone notifications. We thus recommend to opt-out watch notifications.<br/><br/>ENHANCED TRACK RECORDING:<br/>The boat track is recorded and a time-colored path is displayed on map. You can identify at first glance whether your anchor position is drifting or not.<br/><br/>TRACK MANAGEMENT:<br/>Enable, disable and reset the track. Export it in CSV or GPX format.<br/><br/>Vertical map scale in feet or meters.<br/><br/>User interface compatible with dark mode for night use.<br/><br/>Compatible with flic and flic V2 buttons, no hub required. flic buttons are splash proof smart buttons and you may use them as a remote to set, snooze and stop alarms.<br/><br/>Strictly respects your privacy: we do not collect any of your personal information, ever.<br/><br/>Compatible with external GPS for best accuracy (required for iPad with no gps) : tested on gns2000 , Dual xgps, Bad Elf and Garlmin glo.<br/><br/>Compatible with Flic buttons.<br/><br/>----<br/>legal notice:<br/><br/>When the alarm is on, this app will use GPS in the background to be able to alert you. Continued use of GPS in the background can dramatically decrease battery life: don&#39;t forget your charger on board.<br/><br/>The remote mode uses an external server that could be shut down without notice by its provider or run slow . The remote mode needs data connexion and 2 apple or android devices<br/><br/>Use of the remote mode comes is subject to the agreement to this supplementary copyright notice:<br/>In addition to the applicable standard EULA, permission is not granted to use Anchor! to track someone without his dedicated and recent consent.<br/><br/>Provided maps are not nautical charts.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2013-2021 A. Arnail</font> </td> </tr> </table> Sun Seeker - Tracker, Surveyor - ozPDA Sunseeker is a comprehensive solar tracking & compass app. It shows the sun’s hourly direction intervals, its equinox, winter & summer solstice paths, sunrise sunset times, twilight times, sun shadow, the golden hour & more. The app allows you to add sun-event notifications & has a widget showing the day’s solar data & position on an arc. The surveyor view shows the solar direction for each sunlight hour. Sunseeker has both a flat compass view & a 3D Augmented Reality (AR) view to show the solar position & path. The app is useful for - ▶ Photographers- to plan according to the golden hour or blue hour & optimal sunlight conditions, sunrise & sunset times & directions. ▶ Cinematographers- this sun tracker & sun surveyor enables you to find the sun exposure, directions, sun shadow & sunrise sunset times for any location. ▶ Real Estate Buyers- can use the app before buying a property to check the sun path & to find the sun exposure of properties. ▶ Drivers - Sunseeker lets you track the sun path & movement during the days & helps drivers know the sun position to find how long the car will remain in the shade at any given parking spot. ▶ Campers & Picnickers- for anyone planning a day out, Sunseeker app will help in finding where to camp, sit or pitch an umbrella depending on the sunlight & sun direction. ▶ Gardeners- Sun Seeker can also help with finding optimal planting locations & seasonal sunlight hours as a sun rise calendar ▶ Architects & Surveyors- for visualising the spatial variability of the solar angle throughout the year & using the compass app as a sun surveyor & calendar to determine the sunlight directions. Main Features * Sunseeker is a sun locator which uses GPS, magnetometer & gyroscope to find the correct solar position & sun path for your current location. * Flat compass view shows current solar position, diurnal solar angle & elevation (separated into day & night segments), sun shadow length ratio, atmospheric path thickness. * 3D augmented reality (AR) camera overlay view shows the sun's current position, its path with hour points marked. Check golden hour using this feature! * Camera view has an optional pointer to guide you towards the current location of the sun & help you with sun direction. * Map view shows solar direction arrows, sun path & elevations for each hour of the day. * Choose any date to view sun position & path on that day. You can view sunset & sunrise times for each day as well. * Choose any location on earth (includes 40,000+ cities or custom locations available offline, as well as a comprehensive online map search capability) * Get additional details including sun rise, sunset & culmination times, maximum elevation, civil, nautical & astronomical twilight times of the sun. * Optional device notifications for all manner of sun-related periods & events, such as golden hour or blue hour, various twilight & shadow periods, or sun at a given compass heading or above a given elevation. * This sun rise calendar app allows the user to include equinox, summer & winter solstice paths on both flat compass view & camera view. Sun Seeker app has been featured in numerous high-profile blogs, websites & publications, including Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Sydney Morning Herald etc. "Truly amazing", "Incredible", "Brilliant" - the most genuinely useful application of augmented reality - ever! Check out our YouTube video here: Simply search YouTube for "Sun Seeker app" to find many videos, websites & blogs created by our enthusiastic users FAQs * See - also easily accessible from the app's info screen Note * The compass accuracy depends on having an undistorted magnetic field around your device. If you use it close to metallic objects or electrical equipment, directional accuracy may be impaired. The device’s compass accuracy can be optimised by calibrating it prior to use. See app’s FAQs for more help. Sun Seeker - Tracker, Surveyor 0 ozPDA £9.99 © 2024 Ajnaware Pty Ltd 2009-10-04T17:45:46-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="ozPDA - Sun Seeker - Tracker, Surveyor artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">Sun Seeker - Tracker, Surveyor</a></b><br/> <a href="">ozPDA</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £9.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> October 4, 2009 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>Sunseeker is a comprehensive solar tracking &amp; compass app. It shows the sun’s hourly direction intervals, its equinox, winter &amp; summer solstice paths, sunrise sunset times, twilight times, sun shadow, the golden hour &amp; more. The app allows you to add sun-event notifications &amp; has a widget showing the day’s solar data &amp; position on an arc. The surveyor view shows the solar direction for each sunlight hour. Sunseeker has both a flat compass view &amp; a 3D Augmented Reality (AR) view to show the solar position &amp; path.<br/><br/>The app is useful for - <br/><br/>▶ Photographers- to plan according to the golden hour or blue hour &amp; optimal sunlight conditions, sunrise &amp; sunset times &amp; directions.<br/>▶ Cinematographers- this sun tracker &amp; sun surveyor enables you to find the sun exposure, directions, sun shadow &amp; sunrise sunset times for any location.<br/>▶ Real Estate Buyers- can use the app before buying a property to check the sun path &amp; to find the sun exposure of properties.<br/>▶ Drivers - Sunseeker lets you track the sun path &amp; movement during the days &amp; helps drivers know the sun position to find how long the car will remain in the shade at any given parking spot.<br/>▶ Campers &amp; Picnickers- for anyone planning a day out, Sunseeker app will help in finding where to camp, sit or pitch an umbrella depending on the sunlight &amp; sun direction. <br/>▶ Gardeners- Sun Seeker can also help with finding optimal planting locations &amp; seasonal sunlight hours as a sun rise calendar<br/>▶ Architects &amp; Surveyors- for visualising the spatial variability of the solar angle throughout the year &amp; using the compass app as a sun surveyor &amp; calendar to determine the sunlight directions.<br/> <br/>Main Features<br/>* Sunseeker is a sun locator which uses GPS, magnetometer &amp; gyroscope to find the correct solar position &amp; sun path for your current location.<br/>* Flat compass view shows current solar position, diurnal solar angle &amp; elevation (separated into day &amp; night segments), sun shadow length ratio, atmospheric path thickness.<br/>* 3D augmented reality (AR) camera overlay view shows the sun&#39;s current position, its path with hour points marked. Check golden hour using this feature!<br/>* Camera view has an optional pointer to guide you towards the current location of the sun &amp; help you with sun direction. <br/>* Map view shows solar direction arrows, sun path &amp; elevations for each hour of the day.<br/>* Choose any date to view sun position &amp; path on that day. You can view sunset &amp; sunrise times for each day as well.<br/>* Choose any location on earth (includes 40,000+ cities or custom locations available offline, as well as a comprehensive online map search capability)<br/>* Get additional details including sun rise, sunset &amp; culmination times, maximum elevation, civil, nautical &amp; astronomical twilight times of the sun.<br/>* Optional device notifications for all manner of sun-related periods &amp; events, such as golden hour or blue hour, various twilight &amp; shadow periods, or sun at a given compass heading or above a given elevation.<br/>* This sun rise calendar app allows the user to include equinox, summer &amp; winter solstice paths on both flat compass view &amp; camera view.<br/><br/>Sun Seeker app has been featured in numerous high-profile blogs, websites &amp; publications, including Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Sydney Morning Herald etc. &#34;Truly amazing&#34;, &#34;Incredible&#34;, &#34;Brilliant&#34; - the most genuinely useful application of augmented reality - ever!<br/><br/>Check out our YouTube video here:<br/>Simply search YouTube for &#34;Sun Seeker app&#34; to find many videos, websites &amp; blogs created by our enthusiastic users<br/><br/>FAQs<br/>* See - also easily accessible from the app&#39;s info screen<br/><br/>Note<br/>* The compass accuracy depends on having an undistorted magnetic field around your device. If you use it close to metallic objects or electrical equipment, directional accuracy may be impaired. The device’s compass accuracy can be optimised by calibrating it prior to use. See app’s FAQs for more help.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2024 Ajnaware Pty Ltd</font> </td> </tr> </table> BringGo Western Europe - Engis Technologies.Inc BringGo includes 30 days of access to Premium Navigation. After 30 days, you can opt for a Premium Navigation in-app purchase. ______________ CUSTOMER SUPPORT We're here to help! If you have any issue with BringGo, please send an inquiry to our friendly support team. ______________ BringGo Western Europe is a premium turn-by-turn navigation app for your smartphone. It is full of useful navigation features such as Text-To-Speech voice guidance, Lane Guidance, Signpost Display, Speed Limits, millions of onboard POIs and much more. Maps are stored on the smartphone for offline use. ______________ COMPATIBLE VEHICLES See for a complete list of compatible vehicles. ______________ PREMIUM NAVIGATION FEATURES • Turn-by-turn voice directions • Find Places: millions of onboard POIs plus Internet Search means you’ll always find what you’re looking for • Lane Guidance to show you the correct lane to be in • Realistic Signpost Display • Map data from HERE (formerly known as NAVTEQ) onboard • Text-To-Speech voice guidance (speaks street names) • Auto re-routing • Multiple routing options; faster time, shorter distance, ECO • Search by Address, Point on Map, ZIP and more • POI Search: search by Category, POI name, Poi in City, partial word or phone number • Save and edit favorites • Recent destinations • Auto zooming (at intersection & on speed) • Route Planning: create and save route itineraries • Fuel cost calculator • Route summary for trip information • Speed Limit warning: adjustable audio/visual warning • Portrait and landscape mode • Current Location information • Languages: UK English, Français, Español, Italiano, Deutsch, Türkçe, Nederlands, Suomi, Svenska, Dansk, Norsk, Português, Português Brasileiro, Polski, Ελληνικά, český, Slovenčina, Magyar, Українська, Slovenščina, Hrvatski, Български, Română ______________ MAP COVERAGE Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta, France, Andorra, Monaco, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle Of Man, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark. ______________ TRAFFIC COVERAGE Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom ______________ IN APP PURCHASES 1. Premium Navigation with Traffic (€49,99)* Lifetime use of the navigation app and access to software updates. Real Time Traffic Information service is provided for one year. Please note that map updates are not available with this in-app purchase option. 2. Premium Navigation with Traffic and Map Updates (€69,99)* Lifetime use of the navigation app and access to software updates. Real Time Traffic Information service is provided for three years. Annual map updates are available in years 2 and 3. *Please refer to the IN APP PURCHASES section to view prices in local currency. ______________ GPS USAGE Please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. BringGo Western Europe 0 Engis Technologies.Inc £0.99 © Engis Technologies, Inc. 2013-02-12T13:40:16-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Engis Technologies.Inc - BringGo Western Europe artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">BringGo Western Europe</a></b><br/> <a href="">Engis Technologies.Inc</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £0.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> February 12, 2013 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>BringGo includes 30 days of access to Premium Navigation. After 30 days, you can opt for a Premium Navigation in-app purchase. <br/>______________ <br/>CUSTOMER SUPPORT<br/>We&#39;re here to help! If you have any issue with BringGo, please send an inquiry to our friendly support team. <br/><br/>______________ <br/>BringGo Western Europe is a premium turn-by-turn navigation app for your smartphone. It is full of useful navigation features such as Text-To-Speech voice guidance, Lane Guidance, Signpost Display, Speed Limits, millions of onboard POIs and much more. Maps are stored on the smartphone for offline use. <br/>______________<br/>COMPATIBLE VEHICLES<br/>See for a complete list of compatible vehicles. <br/>______________<br/>PREMIUM NAVIGATION FEATURES <br/>• Turn-by-turn voice directions <br/>• Find Places: millions of onboard POIs plus Internet Search means you’ll always find what you’re looking for <br/>• Lane Guidance to show you the correct lane to be in <br/>• Realistic Signpost Display <br/>• Map data from HERE (formerly known as NAVTEQ) onboard <br/>• Text-To-Speech voice guidance (speaks street names) <br/>• Auto re-routing <br/>• Multiple routing options; faster time, shorter distance, ECO <br/>• Search by Address, Point on Map, ZIP and more <br/>• POI Search: search by Category, POI name, Poi in City, partial word or phone number <br/>• Save and edit favorites <br/>• Recent destinations <br/>• Auto zooming (at intersection &amp; on speed) <br/>• Route Planning: create and save route itineraries <br/>• Fuel cost calculator <br/>• Route summary for trip information <br/>• Speed Limit warning: adjustable audio/visual warning <br/>• Portrait and landscape mode <br/>• Current Location information <br/>• Languages: UK English, Français, Español, Italiano, Deutsch, Türkçe, Nederlands, Suomi, Svenska, Dansk, Norsk, Português, Português Brasileiro, Polski, Ελληνικά, český, Slovenčina, Magyar, Українська, Slovenščina, Hrvatski, Български, Română <br/><br/>______________<br/>MAP COVERAGE <br/>Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany, Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta, France, Andorra, Monaco, Spain, Gibraltar, Portugal, United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle Of Man, Ireland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark.<br/>______________<br/>TRAFFIC COVERAGE <br/>Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom<br/>______________<br/>IN APP PURCHASES <br/>1. Premium Navigation with Traffic (€49,99)* <br/>Lifetime use of the navigation app and access to software updates. Real Time Traffic Information service is provided for one year. Please note that map updates are not available with this in-app purchase option. <br/><br/>2. Premium Navigation with Traffic and Map Updates (€69,99)*<br/>Lifetime use of the navigation app and access to software updates. Real Time Traffic Information service is provided for three years. Annual map updates are available in years 2 and 3. <br/><br/>*Please refer to the IN APP PURCHASES section to view prices in local currency. <br/>______________<br/>GPS USAGE <br/>Please note that continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Engis Technologies, Inc.</font> </td> </tr> </table> MilGPS - Cascode Labs Pty Ltd MilGPS is an MGRS/USNG focused premium navigation tool trusted by soldiers, search and rescue personnel and other professional navigators around the world. View your current location and navigate to a waypoint in seconds. Or plan and organize your navigation using the powerful and intuitive mapping and overlay capabilities. FEATURES Display your current location in real time - Cell phone signal not required but will make location fixes faster (maps require a data connection) - Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) & United States National Grid (USNG) (4, 6 8 10 figure grid references supported) - Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) - Latitude/Longitude (degrees, degrees and minutes, degrees minutes seconds supported) - Ordnance Survey National Grid (grid and easting/northing in metres) - Military date time groups for local/zulu time - All info is displayed in large, clear text for easy viewing at all times - Location and navigate screens are fully customisable - choose what info you want to see - Wide variety of datums supported including WGS84, NAD27, OSGB36, AGD66, ED50 - Define up to 3 combinations of datum and location format for location display and waypoint entry Create and navigate to waypoints - Unlimited waypoints (upper limit dependent on device storage and memory) - Enter waypoints from current location, map or using any of the above supported location formats. - Live update of distance/bearing as you enter coordinates (sanity check your grids) - Waypoints are fully editable, and can be sorted by distance or name - "Quick goto" feature for quickly entering grids and navigating to them - accepts shortened MGRS grids. - Receive an arrival indication as you approach your waypoint - Import and export waypoints via the standard GPX file format (routes and tracks not currently supported) Mapping - View current location and waypoints on map, complete with custom smooth scrolling grid overlay (MGRS/USNG/OSNG/UTM) - Choice of Apple or Google maps. - Display user-supplied offline maps in raster MBTiles format. - Use the crosshairs to position new waypoints and measure distances/bearings - Choose from standard/satellite/hybrid/blank map type - Grid overlay with labels for grid zones, 100km, 10km, 1km, 100m squares - Map can be set to follow your current location and/or heading. Other features - Simple, intuitive interface. - Supports a wide variety of location, angle, altitude, and distance formats. Why choose MilGPS over other apps? - MilGPS is under active development and testing (since 2010) - MilGPS is painstakingly crafted by an independent developer - MilGPS emphasises accuracy, simplicity, ease of use and stability Things that aren't in the app (yet): - track recording - route planning - online mapping sources other than Apple and Google maps App Store Privacy Information Note Because you can choose to use Google maps in the app, we are required to disclose the data collected by Google in our App Store listing. If you do not use Google maps minimal data is collected. See our privacy policy for details. NOTE: Mapping function requires a data connection. WiFi-only iPads are not supported because they don't have a GPS receiver. Using GPS will shorten battery life. WARNING: YOUR USE OF MILGPS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK MilGPS is an aid to navigation only and is intended to be used in conjunction with other navigation methods and tools. MilGPS must not be used where relying on MilGPS could result in death, injury or financial loss. This includes use on military operations, live-firing activities, aviation and surveying use. MilGPS is not tested to military specifications and is not endorsed by the military of any nation. MilGPS is not a substitute for military issue equipment. Your use of MilGPS is governed by the standard App Store Licensed Application End User License Agreement. MilGPS 0 Cascode Labs Pty Ltd £12.99 © Cascode Labs Pty Ltd 2010-12-01T15:24:59-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Cascode Labs Pty Ltd - MilGPS artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">MilGPS</a></b><br/> <a href="">Cascode Labs Pty Ltd</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £12.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> December 1, 2010 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>MilGPS is an MGRS/USNG focused premium navigation tool trusted by soldiers, search and rescue personnel and other professional navigators around the world. View your current location and navigate to a waypoint in seconds. Or plan and organize your navigation using the powerful and intuitive mapping and overlay capabilities.<br/><br/>FEATURES<br/>Display your current location in real time<br/>- Cell phone signal not required but will make location fixes faster (maps require a data connection)<br/>- Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) &amp; United States National Grid (USNG) (4, 6 8 10 figure grid references supported)<br/>- Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)<br/>- Latitude/Longitude (degrees, degrees and minutes, degrees minutes seconds supported)<br/>- Ordnance Survey National Grid (grid and easting/northing in metres)<br/>- Military date time groups for local/zulu time<br/>- All info is displayed in large, clear text for easy viewing at all times<br/>- Location and navigate screens are fully customisable - choose what info you want to see<br/>- Wide variety of datums supported including WGS84, NAD27, OSGB36, AGD66, ED50<br/>- Define up to 3 combinations of datum and location format for location display and waypoint entry<br/><br/>Create and navigate to waypoints<br/>- Unlimited waypoints (upper limit dependent on device storage and memory)<br/>- Enter waypoints from current location, map or using any of the above supported location formats.<br/>- Live update of distance/bearing as you enter coordinates (sanity check your grids)<br/>- Waypoints are fully editable, and can be sorted by distance or name<br/>- &#34;Quick goto&#34; feature for quickly entering grids and navigating to them - accepts shortened MGRS grids.<br/>- Receive an arrival indication as you approach your waypoint<br/>- Import and export waypoints via the standard GPX file format (routes and tracks not currently supported)<br/><br/>Mapping<br/>- View current location and waypoints on map, complete with custom smooth scrolling grid overlay (MGRS/USNG/OSNG/UTM)<br/>- Choice of Apple or Google maps.<br/>- Display user-supplied offline maps in raster MBTiles format.<br/>- Use the crosshairs to position new waypoints and measure distances/bearings<br/>- Choose from standard/satellite/hybrid/blank map type<br/>- Grid overlay with labels for grid zones, 100km, 10km, 1km, 100m squares<br/>- Map can be set to follow your current location and/or heading.<br/><br/>Other features<br/>- Simple, intuitive interface.<br/>- Supports a wide variety of location, angle, altitude, and distance formats.<br/><br/>Why choose MilGPS over other apps?<br/>- MilGPS is under active development and testing (since 2010)<br/>- MilGPS is painstakingly crafted by an independent developer<br/>- MilGPS emphasises accuracy, simplicity, ease of use and stability<br/><br/>Things that aren&#39;t in the app (yet):<br/>- track recording<br/>- route planning<br/>- online mapping sources other than Apple and Google maps<br/><br/>App Store Privacy Information Note<br/>Because you can choose to use Google maps in the app, we are required to disclose the data collected by Google in our App Store listing. If you do not use Google maps minimal data is collected. See our privacy policy for details.<br/><br/>NOTE: Mapping function requires a data connection. WiFi-only iPads are not supported because they don&#39;t have a GPS receiver. Using GPS will shorten battery life.<br/><br/>WARNING:<br/>YOUR USE OF MILGPS IS AT YOUR OWN RISK<br/>MilGPS is an aid to navigation only and is intended to be used in conjunction with other navigation methods and tools.<br/>MilGPS must not be used where relying on MilGPS could result in death, injury or financial loss. This includes use on military operations, live-firing activities, aviation and surveying use.<br/>MilGPS is not tested to military specifications and is not endorsed by the military of any nation. MilGPS is not a substitute for military issue equipment.<br/>Your use of MilGPS is governed by the standard App Store Licensed Application End User License Agreement.</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © Cascode Labs Pty Ltd</font> </td> </tr> </table> MapOut - Valnova “MapOut saves the day by using a simple interface to draw routes, and check out elevation profiles… I’m pretty blown away by its capabilities.” – Alee from Offline map covering the whole world for iPhone and iPad. Almost as beautiful as a paper map - only more versatile. - For hikers: With an easy-to-read representation of the terrain, even in the furthest corners without internet - For cyclists: With cycling route network, speed and distance display - For city travelers: City maps with tourist information - For the connoisseur: Simply beautiful map to look at 3D tilt view - Tilt the device in any direction to get a better impression of the terrain. More information on Search feature - Search for places, streets, mountains, etc. No internet connection required. Map material - MapOut is based on the OpenStreetMap project, the “Wikipedia of Maps” - you can make corrections and additions yourself on The latest maps are delivered with periodic updates. - Download the regions of your choice - the maps can now be displayed without an internet connection (offline map). Tours - Drawing: Draw your own routes and waypoints directly on the map. Retouch existing tours and imported GPX files or let them directly snap to the road network. - Import: With a free “” account you can send directions by email to your device. GPS-Tours can be found as gpx or kml files on many websites with tips for hiking or biking (e.g. on Record: Take recordings of your own tours and share them with friends. Information: Quick overview of each tour - length, altitude change, map section and route profile Map view - Fast map display (hardware accelerated) - Step-free zoom, always a pixel-perfect map - Topographical map with contour lines and shading - Selectable overlays: Bike/hike/ski routes, sightseeing, public transport Find all answers to your questions in our user manual: Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors ( MapOut 0 Valnova £4.99 © 2013 Valnova GmbH 2012-03-19T19:22:13-07:00 <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td align="center" width="166" valign="top"> <a href=""><img border="0" alt="Valnova - MapOut artwork" src="" /></a> </td> <td width="10"><img alt="" width="10" height="1" src="" /></td> <td width="95%"> <b><a href="">MapOut</a></b><br/> <a href="">Valnova</a> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> <br/> <b>Genre:</b> <a href="">Navigation</a> <br/> <b>Price:</b> £4.99 <br/> <b>Release Date:</b> March 19, 2012 </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"><br/>“MapOut saves the day by using a simple interface to draw routes, and check out elevation profiles… I’m pretty blown away by its capabilities.” – Alee from<br/><br/>Offline map covering the whole world for iPhone and iPad. Almost as beautiful as a paper map - only more versatile.<br/>- For hikers: With an easy-to-read representation of the terrain, even in the furthest corners without internet<br/>- For cyclists: With cycling route network, speed and distance display<br/>- For city travelers: City maps with tourist information<br/>- For the connoisseur: Simply beautiful map to look at<br/><br/>3D tilt view<br/>- Tilt the device in any direction to get a better impression of the terrain. More information on<br/><br/>Search feature<br/>- Search for places, streets, mountains, etc. No internet connection required.<br/><br/>Map material<br/>- MapOut is based on the OpenStreetMap project, the “Wikipedia of Maps” - you can make corrections and additions yourself on The latest maps are delivered with periodic updates.<br/>- Download the regions of your choice - the maps can now be displayed without an internet connection (offline map).<br/><br/>Tours<br/>- Drawing: Draw your own routes and waypoints directly on the map. Retouch existing tours and imported GPX files or let them directly snap to the road network.<br/>- Import: With a free “” account you can send directions by email to your device. GPS-Tours can be found as gpx or kml files on many websites with tips for hiking or biking (e.g. on<br/>Record: Take recordings of your own tours and share them with friends. <br/>Information: Quick overview of each tour - length, altitude change, map section and route profile<br/><br/>Map view<br/>- Fast map display (hardware accelerated)<br/>- Step-free zoom, always a pixel-perfect map<br/>- Topographical map with contour lines and shading<br/>- Selectable overlays: Bike/hike/ski routes, sightseeing, public transport<br/><br/>Find all answers to your questions in our user manual:<br/><br/>Map data &#169; OpenStreetMap contributors (</font><br/> <font size="2" face="Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular"> &#169; © 2013 Valnova GmbH</font> </td> </tr> </table>